What is this?


Well-Known Member
I've been experience a pop up of yellowing leaves for a while anyone got a clue what it looks like

these are pictures from 3 different plants

thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
generally you shouldnt have to use nutes for about three weeks, , depending on the size of the plant and pot and other such things, post a full size pic of the plants...


Well-Known Member
looks like they want nitrogen to me. nute burn usually effects the upper leaf tips first. nitrogen def starts with a fading of the lower leaves. i could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
When I burnt my plants, they started at "all" the tips and leaves And they went to hell quick....this might be more of a lack of N, sort of thing..It's hard to tell from these pic's ....Do you splash any nutes onto the leaves while watering ? That can cause discoloration & burning.


Well-Known Member
no i didn't splash nutes into them

they are 29 days old, 12/12 from seed

they were given nutes really early in there life then flushed... then only one time since then about 7 days ago

Mr Green

Active Member
it could be a combination of wind burn (your fan looks like its too close to the plants) so try moving the fan back a bit, also the general yellowing all over the plants indicates underfeeding. I think they look hungry mate. so feed em, but dnt over do it