what is this?


Well-Known Member
Fill her with water till she runs it out the bottom, then repeat. This always works for me but for some creates a whole new set of problems.


Well-Known Member
If you used the pellets then flushing will just release more nutes quicker and make the problem worse. I would repot..


Well-Known Member
Stay away from time release shit...You feed them..Easy to add more...hard to remove existing..Also watch that you mix your mediums well..pockets can cause nute probs. I do replace my soil at the top of pot to remove those white (salts) clumps..I would re-pot, water once, no nutes and wait and see...
In FAQ in the Water, nutrients & add. section theres a whats wrong with my plant diagnostic section..there is also a chart w/pics.just can't point out where at the moment..It's there though. At the moment I'm using a basic 20-20-20..
I never go over 5ml per gallon....when I did, I lost a crop.. give it 5 days with minimum water & no nutes...see that yellowing doesn't progress...If OK start GRADUAL reintroduction of nutes... Good Luck..


Well-Known Member
check the bottom of the leafs for spider mites they are a curse on bud plants and will spread like crazy to your whole crop move the damaged lady to her own part of the grow room just in case its either that or nute burn


Well-Known Member
Sorry I wasnt sure what you meant by using pellets (thought you were talking about peat pellets) Dont use those time release nutes, youll always have issues with those. Try the FF trio of nutes, works great for me


Well-Known Member
fox farm is good i use botanicare, seems fine so far. first time using it.
personaly i wouldn`t even use any nutes if it had to be mg, but if you do only use it if they look like they are starving for food and do 1/4 mix and then i would even dilute that in half with water.

but i wouldn`t do anything untill i flushed.