What is ur most memorable sexual experience

And and to cool my jets. One impresionable moment I'll never forget.

The baby mama was riding my stuff tough. Soo tough she smashed one of my nuts up all inside.

I screamed. Never happen to me. I threw her off and was like scared . little girl scared. Hahahah...

Shit dropped down when I stood up. Traumatized my ass for life!!!! My wife did the same shit after I told her the damn story !!!

I always told her "easy , easy not so tough....my ball" SMH
Girls who are madly in love with their man usually grossly exaggerate many aspects and attributes in the relationship.

If you can get the girls who hate you after a relationship to still say things like, "Jesus he was such an asshole, but damn he could make me cum hard", or "He was such a jerk to me, but his dick was amazing", then you know you are doing it right.
Sounds gay.

You dig sucking dick or or you dig your gf rather lick pussy than sucking dick? Either way, sounds gay.

Totally not gay :)

It's obvious what I said bro. If you can't see it oh well your stupid. Gay far from it. I guess your mad at me cus of the things I said in your new threads. It's all good bro I can take the salt you throwing at me any day. I've dealt with haters all my life. I need more of them :)
All I ever got was trichanomosis or whatever its called.

Sorry, errant response. But don't you get that from undercooked pork?

Ya. Well said. But I'm still waiting for the wifey to accept the menage a trois advances from her 3 girlfriends. She doesn't want to. Lol

Play date tonight too with the hot one. These bitches be crazy

Yeah, once they get serious about you, they don't like to play with their friends anymore. :cry:

But it is still worth it. There's nothing sexier than really deep intimacy.(:
Sorry, errant response. But don't you get that from undercooked pork?
Ya I think so. LOL I mean I was porkin! But serious apperantly a man can be a carrier for ever.

When we first dated after 2 years she got something. Idk , something STD thank god it wasn't serious.

Who know how long I had that. Geeeez for real.

She's a great woman. My wife. Anyway , I don't wanna ask her what it was called. Lmao..."hey babe what's that shit I was carrying ???"

Not funny but funny
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i just had some of the best sex ever,,,,but it's always amazing with my honey

Keep on Growin
