what is wrong?? +REP (PICS)


Active Member
Hey all, this is my first grow and I wanna know what is going on with my plant, it is in week 5 of flowering, the bottom leaves are yellowing, and some others are starting to get brown on the edges and go lighter in colour and get little specs all over them. Some of the top leaves are also starting to curl up at the tips.The buds still look beatiful but I wanna know if this is seriously going to effect my plant and what I can do. I have looked at the deficiency guide but couldnt pin point anything. If you have any idea what this could be your help would be very very appreciated. +REP



Well-Known Member
my opinion, if he's usng bloom nutes this may be the begining of N deficiencie along with the start of Phosphourus Def, he is 5 weeks flowering, also those spots look terrible, they always lead me to believe its either PH Flux which is causing all these symptoms and or its a micro nute deficiencie, but may all be the result of inbalanced PH


Well-Known Member
when in doubt flush it out my man, make sure u use PH adjusted water, or flush using a light mix of veg nutes with N in it, 1/4 strength and make sure u test your run off water, your issues will be in the root zone and that PH will tell the story


Active Member
any other inputson this matter?...not saying I don't like what I see already....just I got two different opinions now, I want to see what other people think....Thanks to everyone who has posted and all who might post in the future...gotta love the marijuana community and the support you get from being a part of it, keep up the good work everyone.


Well-Known Member
well you got 2 people agreeing that you need to check your runoff water PH...this usually tells the story and vital for maintaining a successful grow, sorry you dont like what you see, please dont be one of those people who keep asking the same question till the hear they answer they want, if u dont have a PH tester go get one atleast the drops, cheap and pretty accurate


Well-Known Member
i agree with morris, check your ph and figure out your solution from there. you will probably want to flush either way though, buds on the plant look nice though.


New Member
Ahem... when in doubt.... do not add nutes. Like writing a story line. Keep it simple. Keep it clean. The brown edges scream nute burn to me. This is almost always the case.

I don't know you and you don't know me, but usually I find growers get a little anal with their grows(understandable I guess :lol:). A bit too over attentive and a wee bit impatient. This usually leads to two things...over watering or over fertilizing.

I'll bet my bottom dollar if you give it with nothing but good clean water, the plants will recover nicely...they are tough.

Like MyGirls said, check your runoff.


out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I would just flush your medium for about a day and then put in a nice balance of flowering nutes, other than that though, i really dont think that your problem will affect your plant very much, But why not cure it you know


Well-Known Member
I think you definately need to check your PH and also possibly have a slight nute burn or adverse reaction to something you gave them.

Remedy....Flush and flush again and go easy on nutes


Active Member
well you got 2 people agreeing that you need to check your runoff water PH...this usually tells the story and vital for maintaining a successful grow, sorry you dont like what you see, please dont be one of those people who keep asking the same question till the hear they answer they want, if u dont have a PH tester go get one atleast the drops, cheap and pretty accurate

Hello Morrisgreenberg, I am not trying to offend, your answers were great....I took what you guys said to heart, I tested my pH, its too alkaline, I tested my NPK and its shit, a whole crap load of potassium and hardly any Nitrogen or Phosphorus which is weird considering I am was using bat guano that mostly consists of phosphorus. If I gave it nitrogen fert this late in flowering will it be alright? and I flushed it two days ago but I think I didn't do it good enough, so know I got wet soil that I am afraid of getting any wetter cause I don't wanna drown the plant or give it root rot. Does anyone have any tried and true methods of lowering your pH. if so it would be helpful, I have been reading and I heard lemons or limes, sawdust, peat moss. Thanks a lot, NO and I mean NO answers I get will be underestimated or unrecognized, that is for sure...I am a newb and I tend to try and gather as much knowledge as I can.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes but wait tell the soil dries out some. whitch ever way your ph needs to go just ph your water a little more the way it needs to go. exaple. you say your runout is to high then lower your ph in just water to bring it down.visa versa.


Active Member
yes but wait tell the soil dries out some. whitch ever way your ph needs to go just ph your water a little more the way it needs to go. exaple. you say your runout is to high then lower your ph in just water to bring it down.visa versa.
thanks a lot Mygirls, keep up the good posting.


Active Member
yes but wait tell the soil dries out some. whitch ever way your ph needs to go just ph your water a little more the way it needs to go. exaple. you say your runout is to high then lower your ph in just water to bring it down.visa versa.
awww man, she's yellowing and browing good now, I'm desperate....how long should I wait to flush again....the soil is still pretty moist and I am afraid to drown or cause root rot or any other problem due to over watering. She needs my help badly, the buds seem to be growing a bit still, but I'm sure not as much as they could be...I wanna flush with some nutes due to the fact she seems to have barely any nitrogen or phosphorus.(I bought Bat guano high in phosphorus(0-15-1) and all it seemed to do was jack my potassium and my pH up). My veg nutes were fish emulsion(5-1-1) and liquid seaweed fert(0.1-0.1-0.5), kinda shitty balance of nutes in em but I am a newb and this is my first grow so I am learning from my mistakes. You have already been great help and I must thank you but I have to ask you another question out of desperation here.


New Member
Sigh.... I always go by the old growers rule (and that's for any plant not just weed) 3-2-1 ratio followed by 1-2-3 ratio later. You can mess around with other ratios but that will always give you a nice healthy plant.

out. :blsmoke;


Active Member
Sigh.... I always go by the old growers rule (and that's for any plant not just weed) 3-2-1 ratio followed by 1-2-3 ratio later. You can mess around with other ratios but that will always give you a nice healthy plant.

out. :blsmoke;
Thanks dude, maybe next time I will try that out, I know I'm not going to use all
those fert's again like I did, too much to think about and I got way to much on my plate to begin with. I live in a town where its hard to get good organic fertilizers and I wasn't too prepared when I started this grow...next time I think I am ordering exactly what I need off the net, get it for cheaper and then I will have the peace of mind knowing I'm not going to mess it up mix and matching fertilizers in an unorderly fasion like I have done in the past.


New Member
Glad to be of assistance.... I see that you posted this is your first grow. Patience...brand new endeavors usually have a learning curve. Once you synch up with the plants rhythm...you'll look back and laugh about it... :lol: :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
aww man, she's yellowing and browning good now, I'm desperate....how long should I wait to flush again....the soil is still pretty moist and I am afraid to drown or cause root rot or any other problem due to over watering. She needs my help badly, the buds seem to be growing a bit still, but I'm sure not as much as they could be...I wanna flush with some notes due to the fact she seems to have barely any nitrogen or phosphorus.(I bought Bat guano high in phosphorus(0-15-1) and all it seemed to do was jack my potassium and my pH up). My veg nuts were fish emulsion(5-1-1) and liquid seaweed fert(0.1-0.1-0.5), kinda shitty balance of nuts in em but I am a new band this is my first grow so I am learning from my mistakes. You have already been great help and I must thank you but I have to ask you another question out of desperation here.
i myself use a bit higher nitrogen during my veg and also use bat guano. during flower i shut down the nitrogen and use higher pk. now i have in the past few grows when i used nitrogen during flower my plant tripled in size. i did not use this time and am very pleased with the grow so far. the higher the pk in your flower nuts will really give you them buds and that yield your looking for. if you are going to use the BUD BLOOD i recommend using it 4 or 5 watering before flower. you will see that it will kick off the flower a little faster. good luck

