what is wrong with her?

hi i have just noiticed burns on a few leafs. i am not feeding very much and have cut her in 2 a few days ago to lst. just wondering if i have to be concerned. damned text formatting


Wow, your pics are a trip! I sitting here looking and looking, and looking... Sorry, a bit hazy right now.... *) Your plants look gorgeous! I think I understand your situation. It looks to me that you are growing in a limited space. I would imagine that's why you cut the lady in two. I'm guessing that because the burn damage seems to be the worst at the top. Did it get damaged after you cut it in two? If that's what happened the poor thing must have gotten a tad too close to the bulb and burned the two leaves like that. It's not a chemical looking burn. If you are experiencing problems due to limited space you might have better luck next time by LST or low stress training - drill holes in the rim of the pots and begin training them to grow in different directions. Be careful to do it slowly over weeks time so you don't stress the plant out each time it's tied in a new direction.I hope I was helpful....
mmh strange because there has been another plant all along and it was quite taller, dunno. but now the burns have spread a bit and look like a bleeched soft/thin leaf! another branche snapped at the base but is still attached, tied a cord around it to merge, have been pulling too toughly. the one behinds i chopped her down leaving the first 3 nodes with leafs and only the bottom shoot, trying to raise a bonsai! any experiences??


Well-Known Member
I did the double zoom and dont see anything major,except the beheading.Better go easy are your gonna get you a hermie.Tht is alot of stress,one of the growing plants ive had in yrs i dropped and broke it just like the way yours looks and the damn thing hermed on me and i know it was from the breaking it in half.Beech


Try this on the plant that broke: Keep a jar of honey in your grow room to use on broken plants. Honey is a natrual preservative and acts as a liquid bandaide. With a jar in your room you can get it on the plant faster which helps the plant in that it doen't get as stressed out. I'm not hazy yet, guess it's time to medicate!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
How close was it to that fan and was the leaf flapping around fans can cause damage if the leaf is getting whipped aroundJust got ur second pic to load doesn't look like fan damadge


Well-Known Member
And dnt put honey on ur plant just tie it back up with twist ties or rope it will seal itself . If it gets droopy just give it water thru foliar feeding will perk back up
after a day the branch is still healthy although half of its base is snapped: the string is already starting to cut into the branch so i will remove as soon as possible, hope in a few days.