What is wrong with my plants?


Well-Known Member
Thats in flower?! Did you skip that whole pesky "veg" thing?
I only vegged these for a little.. i had another plant that was vegged for around 2 months and people on here told me to switch the lighting and i only have 1 grow room so all the plants went to 12/12. My oldest plant turned out to be a male.


Well-Known Member
It was a male or it hermed? I dont go 12/12 till weeks after theyve been sexed. Better luck next run. Is this one from seed? Are you certain its a female? No idea on your setup but id say you should transplant to a bigger pot if its a she


Well-Known Member
Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink...

Be nice to your girl...give her some water.
Are you sure its not over water? And i have her in coco couir with perilte. I havent used any nutes for flower. What nutes could i buy at a home depot/walmart/lowes for floweri g?


Well-Known Member
Sirdankz; no, I'm not sure it's not an 'over water' issue. That my friend is something you have to decide at the end of the day. I can only suggest; otherwise, I'm kidding you and myself as to my intelligence. Pick up the pot, is it light? Was your medium dry or wet when you took those pictures? Answer those questions in your mind and you've likely got your answer. Growing anything is more about connecting the dots and in your case coco and perlite drain and dry out quite well...coupled with drooping leaves...follow me? As to what nutrients to buy at the big box stores; I have no idea. I don't use anything they sell, but that's just me. I'm sure there are those who make whatever is being sold at those types of stores work for them. Where there's a will, there's a way. Hope you get it sorted out.


Well-Known Member
Before you watered, were the leaves drooping? Did they pick up after you watered? If yes and yes, she needed water.

Are those granular amendments? I wouldn't try making a tea with them, but that's just me. If they are granular, they aren't really set up to be made into a tea per se...but I'm only one man, others here much smarter than I, may have a different answer for you. If those nutrients are what I had to work with, I'd mix them into my medium per the instructions and handle this grow more like soil than hydro (coca and perlite are more hydro than soil). There are many who use dry amendments in coco / perlite with excellent results. For example, check out Mr. Canucks Grow on youtube...he uses dry amendments in coco / perlite with impressive results.


Well-Known Member

Any chance of tidying up the area, theres shit laying around everywhere bro. Fucking cups in pots etc and whats with the foil pot ?
You need to start feeding flowering nutes they need K. You cant stop feeding when your using hydro medium.