what is wrong with our plants????


Well-Known Member
Hello all... we have two white widows growing under three flourescent (sunlight) lights... after six weeks, our big one looks like three... and the other one got injured early on... but she's still staying alive...

what can we do to still see something from these plants??? and also can anyone let us knwo if they are male or female.???


Well-Known Member
What kind of floros? What wattage? Compact or tube?
How far are the lights from the plants?
What kind of soil? Is it mixed with anything like perilite?
What kind of nutrients?
What is the ppm of the feed?
What is the pH of water?
Can you post pictures?

The one on the left is probably a male but it's too early to tell on the other. ;-)


Well-Known Member
What we can do with these male plants now??? Is there any way we can get high of them???
and I am not sure if the plant in the last pic is a boy???



Well-Known Member
That last pic is hard to see properly but that COULD be a bud forming. You need better pics. The first 2 pics are clearly male.

I wouldn't smoke the males but I've read where some make hash out them.


Well-Known Member
Males dont make seeds just the pollen. Those are pollen sacks that will burst and put pollen on the female which will make seeds. So unless you have a female then you wont get seeds.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, well we definately fucked it up!!!
first time and believe me the plants went through hell through the winter in the beginning...
hopefully we'll have better luck now that spring is coming.
so uh, still can we get high off em?:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thats what i was thinking to do.. shit!! now we have to start all over again.. 2 more months to wait for the widow power..
but this time ill be sure to get some advice..:joint:


sorry that happened man.

those pics, look all male to me, yes even the last one too.

some could mistake that as a bud - but there are no pistills, i see ballz.

i feel very bad for you.... those plants probobly wont make any good honey oil either...


Active Member
burn them cut them down and through them away better luck next time recomd you use clones next time and a 400w light for when they are budding otherwise you will have weak little baby buds >:


Well-Known Member
Maybe thats why they looked so fragile.. i was using the wrong lights.. can somebody explain me what lights i have to use from the beginning and so on?


Well-Known Member
Bro read the FAQ and just browse the forums they have absolutely everything u need so just grab sum more seeds, and start again :D:D:D