Sure, might as well try right?
A little update. I measured the pH in on of the buckets, which sat at 0.8mS, and it was 5.3 this morning and now, about 8 hours later it's dropped down to 4.9. Sure that the pH drops but over 8 hours and a drop of .4 - that can't be normal. The microsiemens (mS) reading has dropped to 0.7, however, if that is 0.79 or 0.71 - I dont know.
The other bucket seems to be a bit more stable. The mS reading is 0.8 and the pH has been dropping, very slowly though, and is sitting at 5.4 both this morning and now when I arrived back from work.
I've read a bit about the "lucas formula/ratio" and was a bit intrigued but seeing as one of my plants is sitting about 0.8mS, which seems to be not that very high, doesn't give me any hope in that a change of nutrient ratio and amount will be for the better.
I'm really stuck here now - any suggestions on what I could do next?