what is wrong with this plant? help!



the plant was repotted yesterday, and shortly after it began to sag and show yellow spots on the bottom leaves. what can it be?
any input is MUCH appreciated


Well-Known Member
Need a little more info but just taking a shot I'd say overwatered, the mix judging from the pics may not be airy enough for the roots to breathe right and it's not draining well.
What's the soilmix consist of? How big is the container? Did you use any ferts yet? If so, what kind?


its mg moisture control the container is a 2 gal? i think and hes got happy frog 7-4-5 dry mix fertilizer, but he has not put any of it in the new pot due to the ferts in the soil already


can replanting a plant cause it to do this? also he told me he put 8 OZ of distilled water in there yesterday and 4 OZ in 2 days before that


Well-Known Member
Damn well let me change that to underwatered then the symptoms are so similiar, I personally would never have used that soil because marijuana roots like it a little airy and the soil needs to drain well, You could still repot the plant into a better soil with better drainage, but if that's all you have to work with add some perlite to it.


Well-Known Member
Just me, but I water my 2 gallon pots with 16 -32oz. of water.

I pour 16oz., then wait and hour and pour the rest.

buddy bud

Well-Known Member
Well first off its not going to die just be calm add water and wait could be a combo of thing stress from repot lack of water also if it does die take up bird watching cause this is not for u.....!!!!!!!
Ps meanig u have to try to kill them they are a weed after all lol

The Weedster

Active Member
One of my plants kinda looked like that when it was in hot temps and bad humidity... Just a thought.... :) What temp is it? Or is it in an air conditioned room?