What is wrong with this plant?

Here is her story,

started out in a tiny container just under a regular desk lamp when she broke ground with her four sisters. Switched them into my gro room (2 x 1.5 x 3). 3 cfl's 1750lum/2700k, aluminum lining (i am aware that i need to get mylar eventually im just broke right now). She and her sisters were watered regularly (spray bottle) and were fine until I wake up the day after i switched them into their new home, and this little girl started showing that her leaves were beginning to curl sideways into themselves. It was very subtle, did 2 secs of research and saw that she may have heat stress. Took of a cfl out. Next morning same ish. None of her sisters are showing these signs? please help me out, youd safe a life :P

Photo 100.jpg

Sry, I know picture q sucks I took it with my computer cuz I'm a lazy ass.


Well-Known Member
adjust ph...looks it's to acidic .. easy fix if you can find old dry wall take some of the chalk and it will adjust it for ya.. use a tea spoon powdered.. or get stuff at store..


Well-Known Member
next time just start in sand.. in tiny container the switch to potting soil..

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
If the others are ok it may be just a bad seed.
I grow with the same set up for a grow room and it works fine.
Some plants are just fucked up.



Well-Known Member
the soil might not be well mixed in such cases.

as in 90% of the bag fine, but that one part, the one that went into that plants pot, was the acidic lump that didnt get mixed enough with the rest.
Thank yall so much. I'm gonna go get myself a pH meter and let you guys know the pH to test your hypotheses. If the pH turns out to be the case, should I put that other cFL in for the girls to have more light? And to balance the pH, I would need a ph up/down kit?