what is you on tonight

My friend snorted up a bunch of coke last night, and I didn't partake. Later in the night he was looking like straight dogshit while i felt great, i tried to give him some L and he declined. oh well, I dn't mind blow but there are just so many better drugs you can do.

We put down a fifth of some Jim Beam and ended up at a bonfire party which was a lot of fun, i don't remember going to sleep this morning
you know coke was one of those things I never had an urge to try.....

my buddies would blow it all night long and say "you get so high you don't know what your missing"

at the same time I would usually be a few hits in and smoking dmt sayin you don't know what your missing.....

I think I was lucky knowing my personality to get scooped up by family and shown "the way" in the woods while my friends where listening the chronic 2001 blowin coke and thinking they where bawlers

who knows though maybe I missed out on a lot......

I actually did try it once. Knew instantly it wasn't for me and gave the rest of what I bought to a friend. I just don't see a place for it at all in my life and lifestyle. Smoke weed, trip monthly, a little molly on occasion. I don't see a place for much else. At least in my life.

Not to say I won't try things. I'm pretty experiemental. Except when it comes to shit like pharmaceuticals and meth. Pharmaceuticals are the devil's work and the companies that manufacture them are satan's little helpers for the sake of money. There are some things I won't try, even just once.
I feel ya, fuck the pharmaceutical companies! But at the same time, if you go down with a broken collar bone...ain't no weed on earth gonna help that pain.. you need some norcos