stoner math. classic
you want me to say something intelligent after that lmao, maybe you should try to construct some decent sentences and an argument that is relative, you can't compare cars to growing, its a bad analogy,
plus wtf are 100 far miles, how are they different to 100 close miles, think about what you wanna say more first and then come back to me and i'll try and make sense of it and then give you an intelligent response
maybe next time then ..
lemme dumb it down for u, im not comparing cars to growing .... im just using your analogy of yield divided by size of light = grams per watt to try and show you how ridiculous it is.
"my car with a 300 ci engine drove me 100 miles"
like this statement " my 300 w light grew me 100 grams"
see the similarities ? both statements lack the same piece of key DATA for DETERMINING EFFICIENCY (which is TOTAL ENERGY USED!!!!!!!)
we are trying to find efficiency.... and you are leaving out the total wattage used for your equation.... like how stupid it would be to leave out the total fuel burned to figure out miles per gallon
unless you feel a inaccurate number of efficiency some how helps you more than the real one.
also you never said anything about people flowering for 22 on 12 off ./.. at 2 weeks of this their light is on for 140 hours more than a normal 12/12 room but yet ... their setup would appear more efficient because they will have a higher yield ... but in reality they burned a shit load more power to get that yield .
im waiting ...
p.s i hate when riu crashes in the middle of typing a response ... hence the late reply
lets compare both equations to the same grow ...
400w - 400 grams indica 1g/w
400w - 300 grams sativa .75g/w
400 x 12hrs x 65days/1000 indica = 1.28 g/ KWH
400 x 12 x 90 /1000 sativa = .694 g/KWH
so whats your problem with this ... ? too accurate ?
as you can see both equations put the indica at being more efficient, except mine tells you EXACTLY how much more efficient it is.
i don't have a problem with your maths at all, as i said it has a place, it will help him figure out which is the most efficient strain, but he doesn't want to do that, what we wants right now is to figure out which grow method is the most efficient, and how is he going to do that taking strain and phenotype growth time into the equation, it may help him figure out how much a grow will cost him, but using others input to figure out the most efficient system will just make it too complicated and won't get accurate figures,
as i said before time and time again, he can use it to figure out how much per gram he will pay using it, but he won't figure out how efficient a grow method is by taking that into account,
maybe you should go back and read the first post
nothing huh ?
so now your argument is that figuring out yield per watt is useless ?
why didnt you just say that in your first post
in fact you've now gone completely opposite ... here is your first post
"i don't see how length of flowering time makes a difference, does that mean that someone who grows indica's is far more efficient for their grow space than someone growing sativa's, it would make it even harder to compare then,
its done like it is so people can gauge how efficient their grow is for their space
my current flowering area i am short of females so i'm unsure what my gpw will be, but normally i get 1.33gpw with my best being as high as 2gpw"
edit: wtf did you change your definition of "efficiency" to anyway ............. ???????????????????????????????????????????
nothing my definition hasn't changed, i still stand by the fact that using the calculation your suggesting will only tell him which strain is more efficient, it won't give him any idea of what grow system or method is most efficient,
your seriously clutching at straws to drag this out
you have no argument what so ever,
because under your calculations, someone who grows a 7 week strain in soil and gets the same yiled per area as someone growing a 15 week haze in aeroponics has a far more efficient growing method
i hear your math, i understand what you are saying, and i have said on many occassions that using that calculation will give him an undrestanding of how $ per gram, but it doesn't really have much to do with efficiency,
you can post what ever you want after this because i'm pretty bored now, your just too busy trying to make me hear what your saying and i heard that about 6 pages ago, you haven't got anything new to say, just rambling over the same shit, putting in some puke faces and some dunce hats,
you two can go off hand in hand and use your little calculations if you like, but i'm done here, theres no point talking to the mentally challenged