What is your exact fertilizer setup?


Well-Known Member
Please take a couple mins of your time to write down what fertilizers/chemicals you are working with and for what purposes.. Also please state weather you are growing in soil or a hydroponic system. The aim is so i can become familiar with different chemicals/ferts and there uses.. Ive come across many different chemicals/ferts but do not know what there uses were (apart from veg and bloom ferts), so please go ahead and try to write down everything you use.

Thank you very much.


Well-Known Member
Thanks but im mainly looking for what people are using as far as it goes for fertlizers and what there adding to the soil at different stages of the plants.. thanks tho :D


bud bootlegger
i grow in fox farms ocean forest, and use the whole line up of fox farms nutes.. the grow big, tiger bloom, big bloom, open sesame, beastie bloomz and cha ching.. this is my first grow with these nutes, but i have to say that i love them...
my last grow, also in soil, i used general hydroponics micro, grow, and floro nova..
oh yeah.. i also use one tablespoon per gallon of water of grandma's molasses with each watering, only with the waterings though, not with the nutes, which i feed with every other watering..


Well-Known Member
Nice that sounds like a good setup u got there.. givess me an idea of what im gonna be getting next.

Keep them coming in thanks


Active Member
I grow in BioBizz Light Mix Soil...
and i use BioBizz organic nutrients:
BioBizz Grow, BioBizz Bloom and BioBizz Alg-A-Mic.... :mrgreen:
Alg-A-mic is a vitality booster, its got seaweed concentrate in it to provide micronutrient vitamins, amino acids, and hormones...basically it increases plant health and disease resistance and gives the leaves a vibrant green colour... :mrgreen:
(incase you wondered what it was...)



Well-Known Member
I used to garden exclusively with home made organics, fish emulsion and molasses; both in soil and hydro.

However, organics are not clean in hydro nor are they baby-sitter friendly so for my current grow I decided to try Lucas Formula in 5 gallon DWC buckets, using the General Hydroponics Flora Series (bloom and micro for hard water) and plain tap water.

I've noticed a faster growth rate but less essential oil production, the plants are less smelly. I wanted the simplest, easiest, cleanest setup possible and I'm happy with the results so far. Come harvest time I'll know for sure.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, and thanks joe i was wondering what the micro nutrients were used for now i kno ill have to get some of that for sure. So the main fertz ill be needing are the veg, bloom, and micro nutrients. thanks man.
subcools soil already has nutes in it u just add plain water. i have used the fox farms line and it is decent. imo i had better results with subs soil mix, way better taste and seemed like the resin content was higher.

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Some people will swear on their method. Now I'm no expert but I've been on here almost a year, have read a ton on here and have also read four books about growing this silly little, or not, weed. Look at your plants, see them and listen to what they are telling you. I do not stick to any regiment other than my waterings and they are rarely the same amount of water all the time. I also use a moisture meter, they're cheap, under ten bucks, but in my humble opinion essential if you grow in soil which I do. I use fox farms ocean forest, their happy frog and in this last grow also mixed in some scott's premium for container plants. Instead of perlite, which blows all over my yard, I dump my used soil in my yard, I mixed hydroton into my soil this time around. I personally feel that ocean forest already has a ton of perlite, while others say add more. Not only that but it seems to me water just pours through ocean forest. My room stays around seventy four to seventy seven with lights on and the humidity is under fifty percent and even goes as low as low forties. That means the plants transpire a great deal, meaning they use a lot of water. I want my soil to retain the water a bit longer than ocean forest alone allows, especially with added perlite. My plants go from very moist to almost bone dry in one day, maybe a day and a half tops. I try to do my watering in the morning when the lights first come on which allows the plant to use that water in the course of lights on. Your plants will use different amounts of water during their lives. One of my girls does not like the same amount of ferts, also fox farms, that the others seem to enjoy. Basically with a few grows experience you will be able to see and hear what your plants are telling you. I have used much less as far as nutes this grow and it's been my best so far. I too use grandma's unsulphured molasses. That's my two cents worth.