what is your fav stoner movie or show


Well-Known Member
Dragnet from the 60's

Theres one where some pot head lose their baby. Then at the end when they notice they are gone one says "Where's little Robin?" then Joe Friday finds here in the tub.

Those witnesses get all those fact so perfact l.e.o. had an eacy go back then. whatch them stoned and lyao


Well-Known Member
Half Baked, love when Kenny is in the prison and hes like "so huh, do you guys believe in angels?" lool especially when im blowed....


Well-Known Member
Half Baked is epic. Killer kill. I also like to watch Monster Quest on the history channel when I am stoned.


Well-Known Member
Grandma's Boy for stoner movie...

As for shows I like to watch while stoned? Steve Wilkos' show is awesome, always. :D Pretty much anything on Discovery, History or the Science Channel. Getting baked for Metalocalypse is a near-ritual with me. Can't wait for season three! And the comic book coming out in July...


New Member
Definitely Grandma's Boy
And South park. Which I will be watching at midnight. New episode! I missed the 10 o' clock.


Well-Known Member
i love grandmas boy i dont know how many times ive tried to grab hot shit out the oven with my hands and the only thought going though my head while im doing it is omfg foodstuffs