for real heroin is way better than coke.
That's not much of a poll done that way. Is there not an option for a second poll? Or placing a second poll for second choice? My DOC is weed hands down and has been since 1963.If your favorite drug is weed, feel free to vote for another drug, we will get the point, unless you want to vote for weed, in which case it is an option. I recognize that this may be a tough choice for some of you, but you must decide on which will hold the cheese
If we look at drugs as flagships for their classes, we have heroin as the standard-bearer (in the USA, morphine has to do) for the narcotic analgesic class. Principal uses: analgesic, anesthetic (in team with other phamaca), antidiarrheal, antitussive.did someone actually say cocaine has more medical benifits then heroin? for real? where the hell is pcp on the list?...peace
Come down here. Ill trade u the best purest molly crystal the worlds ever seen for some k lol. And yeah its that good. Lab trsted all the above. If only if only huh... I wanna try k bad lolfor years and years and years my favorite drug would probably be listed as more.. as in more of w/e i could get my hands on..
i've since chilled, and pretty much only smoke mj now with some k mixed in.. haven't done any e / molly in years, but it's definitely a favorite of mine.. if only i could get me hands on some good molly..
I don't get epinephrine. I get ephedrine, which is 100% legal here in Canada. It is actually a pre-cursor to methamphetamine production. Which is why it is outlawed in the US. Which is why we have tons of Americans coming to our healthfood stores, and buying thousands of ephedrine pills at a time, and smuggling them back. Living in a border city is pretty sweet. We have access to just about everything. And the party scene here is OFF THE CHAIN. Thousands of 19 year old Americans come here to party every weekend. It gets pretty wild.How do u get epinephrine. Hospital? Crooked nurse lol? Judt interested and fuck id try it too
I've smoked crack twice. I've never done heroin, but I've done oxys a few times. I've never seen the appeal in opiates or crack. Cocaine and alcohol were always my two weapons of choice. But nowadays, I don't even do those routinely. I mean, I got drunk about two and a half weeks ago. And before that it was a couple of months. I guess I've learned to control my drinking. Cocaine is of such poor quality around here, that it's not even worth doing.i want to know if anyone here has tried crack.......i mean. i want to try heroin AND crack to see what the hype is about and why it was powerful enough to destroy so many lives. i been smoking for 5 years started when i was 17 and to me its like.....weed can never be powerful enough to have that type of control over me. it has enough control over me that its on top of my priority list though. whenever i'm working i ALWAYS have a weed budget just as i have a food budget, gas money and pocket spending money. but obviously not no binge spending type shit. i just want to feel that feeling to be like....ok NOW i understand why niggaz is so hype about this shit........but i don't want to try it cuz fuck getting addicted to that shit. i like to say that i'm addicted to weed even though i won't have withdrawals symptoms from not smoking. i'll just irritable and antsy but not no scratching neck cold sweat type shit......shaking in my sleep type shit.
I've done both I don't understand why people like crack I like the high from blowing lines better but heroin I can see why its a great high that lasts a while just make sure you don't use it daily cause once you get sick you won't even want to stopi want to know if anyone here has tried crack.......i mean. i want to try heroin AND crack to see what the hype is about and why it was powerful enough to destroy so many lives. i been smoking for 5 years started when i was 17 and to me its like.....weed can never be powerful enough to have that type of control over me. it has enough control over me that its on top of my priority list though. whenever i'm working i ALWAYS have a weed budget just as i have a food budget, gas money and pocket spending money. but obviously not no binge spending type shit. i just want to feel that feeling to be like....ok NOW i understand why niggaz is so hype about this shit........but i don't want to try it cuz fuck getting addicted to that shit. i like to say that i'm addicted to weed even though i won't have withdrawals symptoms from not smoking. i'll just irritable and antsy but not no scratching neck cold sweat type shit......shaking in my sleep type shit.
lol, i told you my favorite drug was more.. whether it was more crack, more coke, more dope, i really didn't care.. the only drug i've never done much of is meth, and that's probably only because meth isn't as big as coke and rock on the east coast..i want to know if anyone here has tried crack.......i mean. i want to try heroin AND crack to see what the hype is about and why it was powerful enough to destroy so many lives. i been smoking for 5 years started when i was 17 and to me its like.....weed can never be powerful enough to have that type of control over me. it has enough control over me that its on top of my priority list though. whenever i'm working i ALWAYS have a weed budget just as i have a food budget, gas money and pocket spending money. but obviously not no binge spending type shit. i just want to feel that feeling to be like....ok NOW i understand why niggaz is so hype about this shit........but i don't want to try it cuz fuck getting addicted to that shit. i like to say that i'm addicted to weed even though i won't have withdrawals symptoms from not smoking. i'll just irritable and antsy but not no scratching neck cold sweat type shit......shaking in my sleep type shit.