What is your favorite way to grow Hydroponically?


shot out for coco as a medium, ebb n flow, flood and drain, handwater. Don't get all obsessed with the latest thing out. Most of the time, the difference in yield/quality is not worth the extra money, time and hassle of the more expensive systems. If this is all that you are going to do then have at it, but if not, then you should get great results out of coco.


Active Member
Does anyone have any input on NFT?

"NFT, whereby a very shallow stream of water containing all the dissolved nutrients required for plant growth is recirculated past the bare roots of plants in a watertight thick root mat, which develops in the bottom of the channel, has an upper surface that, although moist, is in the air."


Well-Known Member
I use to run NFT, imo its one of the best hydro methods about ok its been around a long time but for ease of use and end results i dont think NFT can be beaten. Very quiet no noisey air pumps needed, super quick growth and a piece of piss to maintain. Ive ran DWC and sprinkler setups but love nft if i had the room for my table id be running it now, as it is im in coco which im liking alot.


Well-Known Member
i have used all these systems over the years my experiences or 2cents worth

NFT grows faster bigger plants than DWC overall for cost and yield i prefer nft over the rest of the hydro systems

EBB / food drain keeps up with NFT but it is more costly to setup and more complex to run

RUN TO WASTE drip systems are cheap .. in my view grow slower than all the other methods, and can have issues with blocked drippers etc my least favorite of the systems

DWC although slower than flood and drain and NFT can be one of the cheapest and most simple systems to set up and maintain and does give good results

DWC is probably the best hydro method to start with, then work your way up through the more complex systems


Well-Known Member
ebb and flow buckets is very simple and straight forward. i have extremely consistent quality and yield with my system. my other close friends use the same system with similar results. very low maintenance only need to mess with it once or twice a week. for nute changes and ph checks.


Well-Known Member
DWC bubble buckets are my favorite way to grow. hey get huge in veg and fast. Hate the maintenance but still a kick ass and fast way to veg monsters.