What is your favourite Genitalia/Boobs/Ass shape colour?


Well-Known Member
I like mine meaty not too meaty just too right you know the ones where it looks like someones lips with tip of their tongue sticking out? not too much just the tip of it, that's what I like my pussy like.
My boobs I like them small so they have a nice shape with normal size nipples not too small not too big.
I like my pussy's brown with landing strip.
My ass I like it nice and meaty not fat just normal.
Almost any titties are ok. Kinda hard to describe my ideal vag tho, alot easier to jus post an example pic but thats frowned upon here so..
my favorite ass color
I like mine meaty not too meaty just too right you know the ones where it looks like someones lips with tip of their tongue sticking out? not too much just the tip of it, that's what I like my pussy like.
My boobs I like them small so they have a nice shape with normal size nipples not too small not too big.
I like my pussy's brown with landing strip.
My ass I like it nice and meaty not fat just normal.
settle little one! its nap time now
Hermaphrodite's are my favorite, it's such a surprise when that damn dick falls out. Fun game to play with the family on Christmas.