What is your first name in real life?


Well-Known Member
i don't have a facebook account. never did. this is my firs and only social networking site.

wish to FUCK i had followed my instincts and shorted that goddamn stock. i pussied out though. oh well.


Well-Known Member
Lol I hate my name, too many girls have my name, i went to hs with like 10 Ericas, 2 black, the rest mexican. They knew me as the white Erica.


Well-Known Member
What? No it's not. Well maybe Tom is since it's short and "strong".. but Tommy.. sounds too much like timmy.. and timmy is like a kids name. Just like Tim is a strong name but timmy isn't. IMO

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
haha dang i go by jonny but since im growing up i feel like a damn kid saying that when they ask for a name on the order or something. so sometimes i say john to sound i guess older and less childy


Well-Known Member

Kuroi and Ebony can both mean 'dark', black color or the expensive dark wood itself. The funny thing is when I was born, I was white as fuck.

It is weird coming across roleplay boards where people call it/themselves 'Ebony' because it sounds emo. I nearly got banned when I came back to a board last month; the new queen thought I was trolling her when I said my REAL name was Ebony and I wasn't trying to jack her epic username.


Well-Known Member
what is your avatar? i know its a fish tanks. looks saltwater but it also looks like a very mini underwater cat sticking its head out
it is an eel that was in a totally dark corner of a huge tank at an aquarium...I had a blackberry at the time and they have crazy bright flashes and I found if I took pictures of totally black spots in the aquarium I was ending up with pictures of things I wouldn't have known were there...all the creatures I found seem so very surprised though...