What is your Heritage?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering.
I am about 25% Mexican, 25% Irish and 25% Danish, but then I am like 6% Native American, and I have no idea what the rest is. But I have heard that everyone that is not from Sub-Saharan Africa is 15% Sub-Saharan African, except the people who are from there, then they can be up to 100%.

So what is your Heritage, do you identify more with your ethnicity, or your nationality, or what?

I have noticed a lot of people in America know what their Heritage is, but don't know any family members in another country, or anything about their culture.
How come Historians can never talk about different Ethnicities being part of History without trying to decide which one was the best?
test tube baby here
Awww so you dont know where your artistic side comes from? I was gonna ask you to

There have been various DNA discoveries that have showed us more and more about humanity. The oldest traces of DNA that can be found in an ancient person that can be found in people today is from the "Pit of Bones" in Spain, which is located at the Atapuerca Mountains. This DNA was found to have been related to the "Denisovans" which interbred with modern humans.

Then there is "Mitochondrial Eve" which is a theoretical mother of humanity that has been found by looking in to the human genome. And this has also allowed us to map where we think humans traveled. Looking in to the genome also allows scientists to look for cataclysmic events, which are marked by small populations meaning not many choices in mates, meaning not a big gene pool at certain times.

Then there was the discovery of Denisovans, which actually came before the Pit of Bones discovery. And when they tested Denisovan DNA, they found that it had traces of modern human DNA.

Then around 40,000 years ago, thanks to Tianyuan cave we see that people in Asia were related to Native Americans. And the DNA of the Clovis boy backs this up.

And Siberian DNA found in Malta, shows that 24,000 years ago Siberians were related to Native Americans.

Then comes the native Brazilian "Indians" that had Polynesian DNA.
Yes, by birth. But I don't involve myself in the politics.
Did you know you can run a Casino, or have stuff for Gambling, and it doesn't have to be on a reservation. I can find the Case law for you, but it was decided that you don't have to be on a reservation.