What is Your Opinion on Abstinence?


Well-Known Member
As the title says, what is your opinion on abstinence?

Is it necessary for a strong, healthy relationship?

I was recently told that Christians in America face criticism for choosing to remain abstinent, have you ever heard or witnessed this?



Active Member
I've been dating my girlfriend for 9 years, no plans on marriage. Couldn't have done that with abstinence.


Active Member
I grew up Baptist, and its criticized, but not shunned. My church wasnt extremist either...just plain ol' southern baptist. My youth pastor knows I've done it cuz he literally throws jokes my way about it. He only knows cuz we both live together. He does jump me every once in a while saying we need to get married. I do regret it at times...but idk. Its kinda hard to not want to when your young with all the social pressure, and thats def. not an excuse..but i folded like a 7/2 when she took them tight pants off =D
I also have a purity ring, and I made the choice to abstain from sex. I believe that abstinence is the decision, unless the clumsy, passionate moment of connection that you always know when you wake up, because you're in love and married.


Well-Known Member
I applaud anyones effort if they feel that is what is right for them. I just dont see how if we are supposed to abstain until we get married why does God have it so I wanna bang every chick except my wife?
most atheist know more about religion,then religous people know about there own religion.
you have a penis,she has a vagina,like a key for a lock. your suppose to have sex. abstinence is just something some prude old person came up with.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't agree with abstaining in t he pure sense of the word. However i don't agree with just giopng out and banging random people you meet while drunk in a club etc. If you know and care for the other person then romp away, no judgement there, but 1 night stands, sod that. I've yet to find a female worth the time of day so i'm still little innocent me haha, but it doesn't bother me in the slightest, not going to go and shag some hussy because "that's what people do" etc.


you marry the girl and find out her coochie smells like something died and it's like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.:sad:
lol, to expand on this a little... I was in a relationship with this women for 3.5 years. Our sex drives didnt match, and it drove me nuts. I dealt with it for that long, but in the end, if I was abstinent, I would have never known that it was an issue between us. What if I married her? I would have been miserable the rest of my life!

Sex is very complicated, and not figuring out those complications until you are financially and emotionally bound to someone, doesnt seem like the right idea. I understand not banging everything with a Vagina, but do you want to go into your wedding night and realize you have an issue with premature ejaculation?

Thats just my two cents. Im sure others will disagree.


I was reading this post and decided to comment.... I am a single 33 year old chick I don't have a boyfriend I have a good to kinda high sex drive, its been about a year and a haf since I did the dirty with someone. I really don't know how people can abstain from having sex their are days when I feel like I am going to lose my mind if I DON'T GET ANY. Then I smoke a bowel and if that don't help then I have to bust out my battery operated boyfriend lol and get down with my bad self. I am wondering then if one is abstaining from sex does that mean no masterbateing? GOOD GOD if that does you people should get an award!!!