What is your personal Most Annoying Word?

I suppose "literally" is my peeve. When it is used incorrectly. As in when I heard a football announcer say "he is literally playing as if his hair is on fire." I was pissed. The guy was just running in a straight line with the football. No screaming, no wildly beating at his head or rolling around. The guy still had his helmet on. Would you leave your helmet on if your hair was one fire? Not me.
What is your personally Most Annoying Word?

To me, Melty Cheese is the stupidest I've ever heard of.
Sounds like a word a young child would try to say.

Can you use 'melty cheese' in a sentence that would illustrate an annoying use? I'm not getting it. I can only think of using it rarely (at best) - like making a fondue and the wife pulls haloumi out of the fridge and I say "no, get the melty cheese.". There must be something I am missing.
I flinch inside when I hear someone use wary, weary, or leery incorrectly/interchangeably.
I also hate it when people say supposeBly. (Chandler Bing on Friends hated that too).
Ex-husband used to call a wolf a "wuff".
I allotted my boyfriend only one "ain't" per day when we first started dating. He's from Kentucky, and I finally just gave up. He won that fight. (he should have held out for a bigger argument)

I'm sure I've got my own glitches that make others cringe.
I would mention "irregardless" but it's not a word. Hearing somebody say that they could care less when they mean 'couldn't care less' drives me into a murderous rage.
I find the word offense, on the tongue, to the ears, to the eyes, and to the fingers when typing.

I do indeed prefer the past perfect. I am not sure why that one word bothers me so much.
In universal sign language, the symbol for took is an upraised middle finger. That's probably it.


I guess it's all in the pronunciation ;)