What is your Zombie contigency plan?


First and foremost there most definitely are zombies. All the money our government has wasted on all there bullshit research they must of some how made zombies.

I would stock up on guns, ammo, food and water. Then i would go to a lumber yard and start moving lumber units to make a wall. Than I would get onto the roof of the building with my guns and ammo and start fucking pooping zombies dooms until there were no more zombies trying to fuck with me.
It'd probably be wise to have a silencer on your gun. A steady stream of zombies is good but all the zombies in your city at once descending upon you because they hear your gun. :-( Not Good.


Active Member
Step 1 hit the National guard armory 2 miles away from my house to procure a hand full of M-4 rifles an M-249 ammo and all the anti-personnel mines and explosives I can find. Pilfer any vehicles MRE's and medical supplies I could grab head for the nearest truck stop and secure a tractor trailer truck. I know how to drive them so that is not a problem. Jack a 27' trailer and a piggy back tanker (the small ones.) Hook em up and report directly to Costco to fill up the tanker with fuel and the trailer with Non perishable food radio;s survival supplies and batteries. At this point I would head to the coast and look for other survivors and a midsized commercial vessel to secure. Load the ammo and supplies on the ship fuel it up with the tanker trailer and reposition the ship off shore. At that point regroup and start looking for other survivors along the coast line scouting a Zombie free location to refuel. I would probably head to a place remote place with a low population like Orcas Island WA. The logic being you can't live on a ship forever. A place like Orcas Island is secluded and has a low population meaning there are probably less indigenous zombies to kill once you get there. After the Zombie Eradication is complete Go the garden store and acquire seeds to start up some food crops. After this I think I will form a cult worshipping me The Savior. Ya that's the ticket!


Active Member
I'm telling ya. Hit up the Military armory. They will have no defences other than People who will be happy that other Non Zombies are still alive!. Zombies don't use guns ever one knows that. Its in the rule book. That's where the big booms are.

M4 with 3 grand in mods plus about 4000 rounds in my closet is a good start. Next comes (realistically for explosives, no one is getting C4 or semtex) would be propane tanks or any easily accessible incindiary device, gasoline and such. Then it's fun time. I stand a good chance cause:

1) I live in the woods, lower population of the undead

2) Everyone on my street has some sort of assault rifle, never mind the hunting rifles, handguns and shotties. God loves VT.

Bring it on!


New Member
Straight up G. I like your Ark.

What's inside your Zombie Emergency Escape Pack (ZEEP)?

Hippie Hint:

Mine includes a couple of illustrated instruction books.


Well-Known Member
Hide out in a Mannequin warehouse. Nothing throws a blood thirsty automaton off more than a Hologram, and since the smarter humans are too slow to have invented Hologram technology by now, a mannequin is the next best thing.


New Member
I believe a solar flare is capable of taking out a good chunk of our electronic world.

Without electricity, some humans turn into Zombies.

Thank Goodness for the National Guard.