What keeps you coming back?


Well-Known Member
I asked myself this earlier and I was wondering your reasons. Is it for the knowledge, the drama, entertainment, friends, or just to socialize?

I live way out in the country and don't really come in contact with too many people other than my family so this is my way of socializing.

Some of you I think of as friends, some entertainment. So what's your reasoning for coming back here?



Well-Known Member
Friends, if I have made any out there.. Bud porn is readily available. Not much for the drama but there are ladies here so we can't avoid it ( of course there are dramatic guys too). And mainly for like minded people. Oh and of course the notifications!!! Haha


Well-Known Member
I like watching people ruin grows with TGA gear even after being warned!!

Also it's not like I can go to work or hell even meet some pot smoker and be able to talk on the level I can with some folks here!!

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Because only a handful of people know that I am an Urban Farmer.I can discuss it here, somewhat freely.That is not the case in real world settings.Also the knowledge exchange is a primary element.


Well-Known Member
All of the above if I'm honest :)

Originally I came for growing knowledge. What I soon realised was that riu is prob my fav group of misfits ever, anywhere! Even finn :) jk

Lots of really funny, kind hearted people here & as a gay dude who grows its nice to know that humans like you all exist.


Well-Known Member
Mainly to socialize, it's a good first step to being able to deal with people again. I'd like to think I've made some e-friends here, but just socializing is enough for me if people don't want to be too acquainted.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I originally came to see why my pH kept dropping. Years ago.

I like bullshitting with some of the cool like-minded people here. So socializing I guess. Besides my family, I have all of 2 friends that are local any more and they both have their own families too.

This place can also be a good outlet to escape to when real life gets to be alittle much sometimes.


Well-Known Member
I like to read about growers here who are worse off than me...
It makes me feel special... short bus special...
The wealth of knowledge ready and available...
That and the Bud Porn...

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I asked myself this earlier and I was wondering your reasons. Is it for the knowledge, the drama, entertainment, friends, or just to socialize?

I live way out in the country and don't really come in contact with too many people other than my family so this is my way of socializing.

Some of you I think of as friends, some entertainment. So what's your reasoning for coming back here?

For people like you. I remember the eagle. How you seem to care about people and animals. You're one of the special ones on RIU.