What keeps you going in life?


Well-Known Member
Besides enjoying the sweet taste of some well made home grown, what keeps you going in life?

If the end result is dying, why slug through a job, payments, buy shit that will probably suck next year. All this work for a retirement, that we might get to enjoy?

I sometimes think what we own keeps us going and if we stop now the fear of losing it all keeps pushing us. But we are going to lose it all one day anyways.

I guess if we add kids to the equation, that really makes us dedicate time to slug through a lot of shit we dont want to do.


Well-Known Member
good question...not really sure what keeps me going... LOL shit

I'm getting married and just bought a house, so I think I am forced to keep going.

Though I dream daily about selling it in 10 years and moving to Jamaica. Buying a small piece of land, growing as much food as I can and of course some weed. Taking it easy and not worrying about my performance in my job here everyday.


Weed Modifier
waking up to a beautiful sunrise...and enjoying the Little things in life...i don't focus on all the Big things no more.

children are the key to eternal happiness...think/act like one and you will see a whole new world ;)

go play in the rain and jump in a puddle/mud hole and you will understand my point...its just fun.


Well-Known Member
the simple things in life are what I look forward to.simple as the sky and sun as well as the rain.Waking up and realizing that the good things are truely abundant in life.


Well-Known Member
At this point it's easy, I have a little daughter and have never smiled and laughed on a consistent basis as much in my whole life. I never knew one could love this much before I had her.

It's very easy to be cynical in this day and age, most people haven't even took the time and effort to explore there own state or region, never mind world traveling. There's allot to do and places to explore on this planet given our very short stay with this conciousness...

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member

and no im not religious...


Well-Known Member
i would have to say my kids i have 2 boys that are total opposite of each other but yet exact replicas of me...they both do and say things that make me laugh so hard have tears running from my eyes...or the sweet things like running and hugging and kissing me every morning...


Active Member
being as greatful as possible with all the things that really matter to me..money and material things are nice but what you become in the long haul throuout life can be a blessing or it can be a disaster.we are only here a short time to learn what we know and pass it it on to the next travelers coming through..the key is to find your true passion and persue it .at least thats how i try to live..
very cool thread by the way....peace


Well-Known Member
One thing after another keeps me going it just depends were I was in life at the time.
But theres a few places my life took me that I wished the days would end faster and be forgotten.
Today I woke to a rescue dog patiently sitting on the edge of my bed waiting for my eyes to open,
he had to pee.


Well-Known Member
Finding proof of Sasquatch...

someone else said the simple things.Hearing my wife laugh at something I said. Knowing that the kids are doing well. Listening to the grandaughter call me Papa. Sitting on the deck with the wife watching the birds at the feeders. Just the simple things.

And for my friend Lime73 I hear ya!


Well-Known Member
I love my kids (my daughter and 2 step daughters) of course my girlfriend! Love her to death. my animals make me happy too (5 dogs 5 cats) they all make me happy one way or another...
My mom and my new niece (well not so new she's 1 now) her smiling face and the running and laughter so damn cute...
I'm proud of myself all the material shit I have and didn't mention any of it... although they at times will help pass the time...
There is always something that will make you want to continue and hopefully it's the simple things in life cause they are simple. sunsets sand in between your toes the singing of a bird the out loud cracking up of a baby... etc...
stay high


Well-Known Member
I dream of a time when I don't have to just go through everything...I would like one day to feel like something is for something...and not that this is all just a waste of time...But I fear that the only way to not have to trudge through life is to die...
So I guess I keep going because of oxygen still entering my body via my lungs...but as soon as that stops, I am done with all the bullshit...lol.


Well-Known Member

I'm getting married and just bought a house, so I think I am forced to keep going.

Though I dream daily about selling it in 10 years and moving to Jamaica. Buying a small piece of land, growing as much food as I can and of course some weed. Taking it easy and not worrying about my performance in my job here everyday.
amen. i think the same thing but i never considered Jamaica. ive considered the same though but i was thinking somewhere on the west coast...and by west coast i mean literally on the coast somewhere between Seattle WA and San Diego CA. lol.

i think it would be nice to get something like those tiny manufactured homes (some come with solar power!) and putting it on a piece of land by the coast and think of ways to enjoy life everyday instead of stressing on b.s. id pay any bills i have with bud sales (once it becomes legal *wink*) and beyond that id wake up everyday without an alarm clock (thank god) and the first think id do is look in the mirror and ask myself what i want to do today...not what i "have to" do today 4 work, etc.

it would be so nice.

i guess thats one reason i keep going...

the other (the polar opposite) is of course to strike it rich and live a lavish life. im only happy with doing one or the other lol. its the 9-5 for the rest of my life i fear...itll suck the life out of. i know they say if you find something you like you'll never work a day in your life but lets face it...theres not many jobs out there you'll LOVE. at least i never found one.

i figure theres no point living if you spend your whole life paying for the things you need to remain alive in decent shape (food, clothing, shelter etc) and thats exactly what most people spend their whole lives doing. i hate that concept.


Well-Known Member
As of right now other than growing weed the only reason I get up in the morning and haven't ended my life is because of one word... VAGINA!

Ahhhh the worries of your 20's


Well-Known Member
Missnu - couldnt have said it better myself....

While I dont necessarily believe in GOD, I have to allow for the possibility for it to exist. I dont necessarily believe in reincarnation, but i have to allow for the possibility for it to be true. Im relying on the "Faith as small as a mustard seed" statement... lol
Those two things keep me from eating a .45 hollow point everyday....Well, that and I do try to be here for my kids, and I figure they still need me.