What kept you smokin weed?


Active Member
i feel like sometimes i can be a little up-tight about things and it seems like smokin some herb just lets all those things go and i can finally relax. it feels like finally my mind is clear and when i'm high i get all hyped on the little things in life like Bookworm said


Active Member
oh yea and nothing is more fun than getting high and riding a fast ass mountain bike around town hauling ass


Well-Known Member
Sometimes when I'm blue, I blame the Beatles and marijuana for tempting me to pick up that guitar or plink around on that old upright piano.
In what became a lifelong semi-pro career (nightclubs, bars, a few shows) pot made learning these instruments an excellent adventure rather than a boresome chore. I mean shit, Man . . . it was new. VERY few guitar players around before 1963, LOT's in 65'! It's THAT simple.
Have we any idea how many artists joined the "modern day Renaissance" that began peaking in the 60's and still thrives in many today?

I'm almost 60, retired from playing, in '00 (guitars and singing /pills,bored) and haven't played piano in probably 30 years, despite there being one ten feet behind me, and in pretty good tune (or was?)
That's why I grew my last crop . . . hoping it'd kick-start my songwriting abilities. I even have the ear and inside help of a N-Ville BIG player/producer . . . HUGE, actually.

Anyway, I wasn't smoking any pot while I was in the clubs for almost 30 years . . . it interfered with my drinking, which was always included in the gig . . . and now it's now. I don't drink alcohol anymore.

I can, however, smoke two-hits of my last cure, walk over to that dusty upright, pull up a seat and still, after probably 35-40 years, within a few minutes, be playing note for note, ALL the songs on The Band's Big Pink AND The Bands' THE BAND LP's.
These are not easy, 12 bar blues tunes (JohnnyBGoode), but are quite complex musical arrangements, IMO.

Now I realize a lot of you have no idea who The Band were. They were great, that's all ya need to know, really.
Basically, in the later 60's there were two musical camps (out East, anyway) Folks chose between the Allman Brothers and The Band, which were essentially lifestyles.
Allman followers wore/wear wife-beater T's, have tats, drink whiskey, know how to party, like loud rock n' roll, lots of blond males.
"Band" followers wore/wear flannel, grew beards and drink wine. More artsy.
You can still tell who went which way in today's 50+ crowd.
Those who know will know what I'm saying.
I really don't think this would be possible had I not taken those tunes apart as a young warrior, patience only the wonder of pot and music together could possible provide. How they survive in my head, I've no clue.
IT'S INSIDE FOREVER AND POT PUT IT THERE. Do you think what happened to music would've anyway, without weed? I don't.

That's my story.

Who won? Well, I've got a digital multi-track recorder, a drum-u-lator and a few tunes, half-done, in my head . . . so I smoke, get on here, go to RIU, and now it's today. Maybe I'll put a few tracks down soon? Ha Ha.
Sorry 'bout the long post. I like to do one every now and then.


** I haven't tried to play most of these songs in years, but have no doubt that it's a fact, tho I do love to break into "Whoooa Jaw-Bone" when it's least expected . . . makes the dogs wag their tails! I haven't heard BigPink in ? years . . . heard other a few X's a few years back.
nice nice, and the band is amazing..... ever hear "the weight"?


Well-Known Member
it tought me life is worth every minute and dont waste a single moment.. if your bored out of your mind... dont watch tv advertisements... toke up and write a fucking mesmorizing screen play. Chase your dreams. IT makes me confident


Well-Known Member
which is why I'll never move to washington.

: )

I stick with it because I enjoy how being high keeps me on the upside of things, I always get happy over little things, like finding a penny, or seeing a bird. It's just an uplifting experience for me.
ha, but our bud is hellaaaaa bomb! and cheap man

What keeps me coming back. Um...life isn't as fun for me when i don't smoke. what used to be fun is kinda boring now...haha. i just love being high, cuz even doing boring shit is fun.

memories, munchies, music, joy rides, matching with friends

but mainly just chillin with ppl and smoking. ill never pass that up..too many good times.


Well-Known Member
nice nice, and the band is amazing.. i know who they are and im only 15 haha... ever hear "the weight"?
It's wonderful that you reached back and found the unique music most 15 year-olds have no clue exists. My daughter and son-in-law went ape when I woke them up to The Band.
I've probably performed The Weight 100 times on stage? That's on Big Pink, right?
Often referred to as "The Band's Brown album" this should be in any serious collectors set. If you haven't heard this music, you ain't heard nuthin' yet!

Unfortunately it also signaled the beginning of the end of that magical octet.
The pianist/falsetto singer, Richard Manuel hung himself in Fla. 3-8-84, I think . . . and the jovial Rick Danko on bass OD'ed on junk a few years back.
Lead guitarist, Robbie Robertson, claimed the rights to all the band songs and wouldn't share any credit. What a dick!
The drummer, Levon Helm, played the dad in 'Coal Miner's Daughter" and a flight mechanic in "The Right Stuff"



Well-Known Member
It's wonderful that you reached back and found the unique music most 15 year-olds have no clue exists. My daughter and son-in-law went ape when I woke them up to The Band.
I've probably performed The Weight 100 times on stage? That's on Big Pink, right?
Often referred to as "The Band's Brown album" this should be in any serious collectors set. If you haven't heard this music, you ain't heard nuthin' yet!

Unfortunately it also signaled the beginning of the end of that magical octet.
The pianist/falsetto singer, Richard Manuel hung himself in Fla. 3-8-84, I think . . . and the jovial Rick Danko on bass OD'ed on junk a few years back.
Lead guitarist, Robbie Robertson, claimed the rights to all the band songs and wouldn't share any credit. What a dick!
The drummer, Levon Helm, played the dad in 'Coal Miner's Daughter" and a flight mechanic in "The Right Stuff"
Yea i expec5ed the were dead, i know these bands from years ago... my dad n my unles tokin n signing these old tunes ... i used to think they wrote them because i never heard the actual recordings untill i grew up of course. to bad that doesnt happen anymore... but dont get me wrong im into alot of music not to mention pink floyds "Wish you were here" wich has a place in my heart forever.


Well-Known Member
it taught me life is worth every minute and dont waste a single moment . . . IT makes me confident
Medical school, eh? I figured you must be on the young side. Cherish your enthusiasm as, much too often, though one may partake and feel the way you've described, the end result is the polar opposite . . . ie: life might not have sucked . . . had I not wasted it zonked. This is fact.

You need to find that happy medium to continue to enjoy the weed AND actually live somewhat normally. The easiest way is to never smoke alone.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll load a bowl and get high . . . alone.


Active Member
man what keeps me coming back is the memories lol all the good times like i really cant think of a time when i didnt have fun smoking buds it makes everthing better like music like KMK SUMBLIME POTLUCK ect... i could go on for days and sex is better lol thats why im having a kid cuz i get stoned with my ladies and yea you kno the rest but yea weed just makes my life better over all for a number of things


Active Member
Its Like My Scape Goat For What Life Throws At Me,It Lets My Mind & Soul Free From My Body Plus It Makes Every Thing Better ( Music,Sex,Food,Ect...) And It Feels Good... Let Me Re-Phrase That Fantastic It Feels Fantastic And Thats Probably What Kept Me Doing Weed All These Years

Theres Nothing Like A Good Wake & Bake To Start Your Day Off I Always Say...


Well-Known Member
weed is a habit for me.
if i dont smoke, i want to smoke.
if i am smoking i am happy.

dangerously cheesy.


Well-Known Member
i Been smoking for over 10 years....and not one day i regret ever smoking mary jane.. i love her.....I love the sensation it gives me... specially when im playing madden or call of duty online!!...lol


Well-Known Member
i guess i still like nachos too, why don't you ask me about that you presumptuous mother fucker. who the fuck do you think you are to ask a question like that, ... dickless?!?


Well-Known Member
i guess i still like nachos too, why don't you ask me about that you presumptuous mother fucker. who the fuck do you think you are to ask a question like that, ... dickless?!?
do you even smoke weed?

its just a question.

don't say anything it if you can't say anything positive.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a mailman porno.

male women getting fucked by mailmen.


Well-Known Member
above all, :leaf: made me fully self-aware
but :leaf: also taught me responsibility and how to balance work and smoking, :leaf: 's awesome :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I've kept smoking weed because it's the only thing out there that helps me with pain, anxiety, and depression without messing up my stomach.