There is no such thing as rose crystal and if someone is saying so they are creating a hype about some good acid that's flooded the area and so much that sales have slowed ,so to have a selling edge they rework the 'label' of the product..
Next week it'll be 'double dipped'..,
There is amber crystal,and is o.k.,not the purist so its layed heavier,but has more impurities so the actual amount of acid is usually on par with the amounts layed down with other crystal..
Given the choice, I'd choose fluff obviously but I'd grab a ten of amber for those party nights where I want energy but not sillyness..
Also,you said 'a' sheet with 2 crystals? If that's not a typo,go smack your hookup twice, once for lying to you,and another for assuming you're THAT naieve to think someone's gonna break down 2 crystals and cut 200 sheets in half to do this ...
I suggest a test kit and a black light,no offense,your connection seems iffy at least on his product.