What kind of bug is this and what do I do to stop it?


Active Member
Would be much appreciated, I can get beneficial nematodes and i also may be able to order ladybugs

Plants are 2 weeks into flower theirs about 15. I seen these kinda bug things that seem to be eating my leaves and they kinda jump when you go near them i initially thought it was fleas, but im not entirely sure if its fleas, aphids, or thrips.

What do I do to stop this? I had fungus gnats previously and was able to stop them quite easily.

Would very much like an organic natural way to stop these instead of chemicals because im 2 weeks into flower and I need this crop I can't get rid of it its all personal medicinal.


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Looks like Thrip/leafminer damage. Sticky traps would help control the population. There are many organic and non organic pesticides to help get rid of them. Research and make your choice. Mighty Wash would be one good option.
Looks like Thrip/leafminer damage. Sticky traps would help control the population. There are many organic and non organic pesticides to help get rid of them. Research and make your choice. Mighty Wash would be one good option.

I'm assuming to be thrips i have some small black circles i drew around what the bugs are theyre VERY tiny its so hard to actually see what they are im just seeing little creatures moving that sort of jump
Definitely came to the conclusion it is indeed thrips, I was thinking on using a combination of ladybugs & nematodes to actually combat the problem it isnt too severe yet, but it definitely will be getting worse and i really dont like the idea of spraying my buds.. if a bud drops on the floor i usually am done with it I will only do it as a total last resort. It going to cost me around 70$ to actually get some nematodes and ladybugs. I can get the nematodes locally today but it will be about 2 weeks before i can get lady bugs
Would be much appreciated, I can get beneficial nematodes and i also may be able to order ladybugs

Plants are 2 weeks into flower theirs about 15. I seen these kinda bug things that seem to be eating my leaves and they kinda jump when you go near them i initially thought it was fleas, but im not entirely sure if its fleas, aphids, or thrips.

What do I do to stop this? I had fungus gnats previously and was able to stop them quite easily.

Would very much like an organic natural way to stop these instead of chemicals because im 2 weeks into flower and I need this crop I can't get rid of it its all personal medicinal.
pic not great but appears to be white fly:bigjoint:very easy to control
why would you buy nematodes? they live in soil, and thrips don't. and its better to have ladybugs eating thrips, shitting thrip parts, and mating and leaving grubs & eggs on your plants, than it would be to spray all natural organic spinosad that totally dissipates in a few hours?
Definitely came to the conclusion it is indeed thrips, I was thinking on using a combination of ladybugs & nematodes to actually combat the problem it isnt too severe yet, but it definitely will be getting worse and i really dont like the idea of spraying my buds.. if a bud drops on the floor i usually am done with it I will only do it as a total last resort. It going to cost me around 70$ to actually get some nematodes and ladybugs. I can get the nematodes locally today but it will be about 2 weeks before i can get lady bugs
Sticky Traps generally keep them in check. Cheap, easy control. Wont eradicate them, but will keep them in check most of the time.
why would you buy nematodes? they live in soil, and thrips don't. and its better to have ladybugs eating thrips, shitting thrip parts, and mating and leaving grubs & eggs on your plants, than it would be to spray all natural organic spinosad that totally dissipates in a few hours?
I just found out about spinosad today, I live in Canada and haven't come across a product sold here i may be able to order one in but that could take weeks, Do i have weeks is the question im facing atm theyre really eating them bad.. Anybody know of a insecticide that contains spinosad in canada?
i use captain jack's dead bug brew. i've ordered it from amazon twice, got it in less than a week both times.the only other brand name i know is monterey, not sure if either is available in canada, but they're both pretty safe, especially compared to the alternatives, can't believe they wouldn't be available
Is spinosad toxic or will it affect the taste of my weed since i am 2 or 3 weeks into flower and wont have this until week 5 ish
you can use it on food crops the day before harvest. i haven't noticed any taste from it, and i've used it up to two weeks before harvest.
Is spinosad toxic or will it affect the taste of my weed since i am 2 or 3 weeks into flower and wont have this until week 5 ish
I just read some info on it...I got a license to spray shit and take pesticides seriously.
apparently the active ingredient in spinosad is a bacteria that's produced during fermentation. It doesn't hurt mammals. I have never sprayed anything on my flowering buds but I have confidence that you can probably spray this product.
Its up to you...is it something that has to be dealt with? Can you let the crop go till harvest? Its not that long, right?
Can you just spray a dilute soap and alcohol mix? Try that first.
there are pirate bugs, they eat almost everything, even ladybugs.
and you can use some nematodes to kill thrip larvae, apparently, wasn't aware of that.
i don't agree with your approach, but if thats the way you want to go, thats what i'd try.
you want to smoke weed full of bug carcasses and frass, knock yourself out.
there are pirate bugs, they eat almost everything, even ladybugs.
and you can use some nematodes to kill thrip larvae, apparently, wasn't aware of that.
i don't agree with your approach, but if thats the way you want to go, thats what i'd try.
you want to smoke weed full of bug carcasses and frass, knock yourself out.
Went out and got some safers sticky traps on sticks you poke into the soil within 6 hours i caught alot on there read somewhere to use a q tip with alcohol and manually kill them if the infestation isnt too bad (mine isnt it seems to be more localized between 4 of the plants) so i did that and i just went in before lights out and the population has dramatically decreased i will get up tomorrow morning nice and early to poke out some more survivors but it looks as if i should be able to keep these under control until harvest day will order some spinosad for veg room and bleach my flower room and all pots and get new soil and stop my propetual harvest plans until afterwards thanks for all ur help everyone