What kind of bug is this?


Active Member
Found this on the seeds I am currently germinating (how do they look btw? I put in just enough water so there was some runoff at the bottom of the cups) - I was just curious what kind of bug it was? When I first saw it I got excited because I thought it was the sprout popping up, but then noticed it was moving lol.

In case you can't see in the pictures, its this tiny bug (smaller than your pinkie's fingernail) whose outer shell looks like a folded green leaf:

I was just curious whether the bug is harmful - I was thinking perhaps its a helpful little guy who can eat other pesky bugs or excrete natural nutes into the soil.


Well-Known Member
Dont know what it is but hope it is dead already mate!
(Bugs really aint that good for your plant)

Where did that thing come from ?
Since even your plant hasn´t sprouted yet :o


Active Member
I dunno to be honest - it might have flown in when I opened the door and walked out of my room. It was a jumpy little fellow who apparently could fly - I just scooped him into a cut envelope and gently put him back outside.


Well-Known Member
well hope you wont see anymore of any kind of bugs in your soil.
Let us know when they sprout:weed: