What kind of damage is this?? Check the pics plz


Active Member
running a 600w inline bulb keeps really cool
hydro bubble buckets
6 autoflowers
2 medium sized plants
1 larger plant
starting week 7/10 of bud100_3571.jpg100_3573.jpg100_3572.jpg100_3549.jpg100_3551.jpg100_3552.jpg100_3556.jpg100_3557.jpg100_3559.jpg100_3560.jpg100_3566.jpg100_3567.jpg100_3568.jpg100_3570.jpg100_3569.jpg100_3574.jpg

they all have the same problem with their leaves. Could I have nute burnt all of them? The leaves look almost bleached I don't get it.

I have been looking at nute burn pics but they do not seem to look the same as my leaves.


Well-Known Member
whats your pH and are you checking with drops or a pen? do you know your ec/ppm? what kind of nutrients are you using?
Is your fan blowing directly on your plants? Could be windburn. Got windburned myself. The way I understand it is that with the fan blowing directly on them, it causes them to transpire to quickly, drying out your leaves.


Well-Known Member
Oh my God, I feel sorry for you dude. It could be PH full block, or spider mite, or else. But it doesn't really matter now, I think there is no coming back from this stage ... I suggest You to take a deep breath, and harvest. All bad things must come to an end.


Well-Known Member
Thats week 7 since it started budding or week 7 of growth total? The buds are quite small for 7 weeks of flowering.How long jave the leaves looked like that? Did they start with small dots? Looks like Nute/ph burn and mites. Flush em good with pure water and then feed very light dose of nutes....

Is there webbing on your plants? Small bugs crawling on undersides of leaves? For da,age like that from mites you would prob see em congregating on the leaf tips and top of buds.


Well-Known Member
If'no bugs def DO NOT harvest yet...that would just ensure small..and premature smoke. If no bugs just flush well and renute then take em to finish with proper ph and nutrient level.

If you do have bugs...you could harvest before they make webs everywhere....or run hotshot pest strips with exhaust off for 2 or 3 night periods ( only if room is not slept in/lived in) Then hold breath at lights on and turn exhaust back on. As its a gas that comes off the strip it will not affect your buds. Some people refuse to use chemicals'at all...thats up to you.


Well-Known Member
Nute burn. This happened when you tried to correct the yellowing caused by wrong ph with extra nutes.


Active Member
there are no bugs. looked them over.
I have been following heavy 16 feeding schedule. just upped the nutes, may be nute damage but it does not look like nute damage I have had in the past.
my buds are growing freakishly slow, usually have bigger buds at week 7 flower.
crystals are just now turning cloudy. a couple ambers here and there.
should I flush and harvest early?? I really want to go the full 10 weeks if I can these buds are depressing. one of my plants is og ghost train haze and it takes around 85 days for bud.
I check my ph with drops. never had a ph problem.
going to turn my fan down. it is a rotation fan but it is on high. been on high since before bud though.
I want to do whatever I can so the 4 months I worked on this is not for nothing.
going to flush once I get home tonight and adjust the ph again. will give a report on if the damage has spread tonight.


Well-Known Member
like Tommie said sucks man but I would harvest and CLEAN your grow area REALLY well man because mites will stay in any area they are a bitch once in a garden/grow area, if your totally sure this isn't your problem then I would research a little more on correct ph levels, also check your Roots, make sure there was no root rot, this is a big problem that can happen in hydroponics, that's why personally I love hydro but organic mix is the way I go, Does take more time but plants seem to be to be able to bounce back from things, but whatever your problem is bud im sorry but I think the damage has surpassed any saving herself, chalk it up as a learning experience its hard but it happens to the best of us and will only make you that much better on your next grow!! Good luck buddy! Bye and Stay ^^^


Active Member
Got home and looked the girls over. not one mite. the damage does not seem to have gotten worse. flushed them, just running water through them for today and giving them light nutes tomorrow. I still have a month before I can afford to start another harvest, so I am just going to let them go on. I need to get a ppm checker for next season. I turned the fan down and moved the light away from the plants a bit. I think I messed up so many things this season that they are stunted. As for the crystals, only my autoflowers are showing amber.

thanks for all the help.