What kind of dirt suits me


Well-Known Member
Let me start by telling you about my next grow room. I plan on buying a new house soon with a 10x20 bloom room and a 10x10 veg room. The climate will be controlled completely and I will be utilizing Co2 at some point.

With that being said I would like to know what kind of dirt you would recommend. I'm not even considering organic at this time. I want to be able to control my ppm and feed as I please tho.

So I want dirt that is already pH balanced and has little to no nutrients in it. I've done a grow with fox farm ocean forest but that's not what I'm looking for

Few ideas have been contemplating:

Coco/perlite 50/50 or what ratio?
Black and gold organic
A few other mixes that seem to fit

I prefer to water till my dirt is completely wet but not drenched. I want a light aerated soil. Something that can breath and wick moisture very well. I water every other day or every third day. So keep all that in mind when recommending soil. Thanks a lot rip family

Also state what you use and have had most success with


Well-Known Member
Coco for sure. Whether you add perlite is up to you. I find it drains just fine with out it, but sometimes I add 25% or so.


Well-Known Member
Ok that's what I have been thinking. 75/25 probably. Are there any brands better then the other when it comes to buying straight coco and straight perlite?

Anything else I need to know about this would mixture?


Well-Known Member
I just use the bricks of coco, and brand doesn't matter. Marigold perlite has NPK added so avoid that, or rinse it real good before using.

You really should read up on coco. Google for "AskEd's Coco Guide" it will tell you whatever you need to know :)