What kind of girls do you like?

My god. I almost feel violated. That video is somthing else. Id love to love everyone of them,every single one. +rep if it means anything

When she first pulled out her tit, My heart skiped i swear
the suicide girl type.....lavender and black hair, pale, thick lips, and covered in ink. looks kinda like my wife.
yeah you eat out slut pussy? thats sick.. I don't lick/kiss the bitches. I fuck them, they leave and there is no drama and no talking about.. well anything ;)

but if you immidiatly put the term slut with man juice, that speaks volumes of your own proccessing abilities..

im clling you a fag ;)

Brother, I relate heterosexual sex with man juice .... period. Cause if I do the job that is how I like to end the deal. I also like my partner to have the best time I can contribute to ... so ya I lick/kiss. I would never have sex with someone who would not challenge me intellectually. That is so unattractive to me. Guess,I have certain standards ... do you ?
Perhaps u simply can only get neurotic bitches ... as a result of your own processing ability ... just a thought. You should search deeper.
As there is a many classy girls out there.
In that light ... slut sex = lots of residue juice. (Is that clearer for ya ... it seems you are doubting my processing abilities, please have no fear.)
As far as your accusations of bugery directed at me. Well, I have never been interested in that type of behavior, I am sorry to burst your bubble. There is nothing wrong with it per say, it's 2010 (if that is how you float your boat ... lol) ... that is certainly not my business.
Have you ever surcome to that behavior yourself ... to have an opinion ? Or u simply get off calling people you don't know...by names ?
Perhaps you are 12 years old (as per all your erroneous spelling mistakes), and simply have had no time as of yet to explore your deepest sexual appetites.

On a different note, I found this picture this morning ...hmmm that is a good angle.
What you think ??


Interesting article about Mary-Louise Parker ... HERE
I would tap that ! (from that angle ... she looks delicious)
Brother, I relate heterosexual sex with man juice .... period. Cause if I do the job that is how I like to end the deal. I also like my partner to have the best time I can contribute to ... so ya I lick/kiss. I would never have sex with someone who would not challenge me intellectually. That is so unattractive to me. Guess,I have certain standards ... do you ?
Perhaps u simply can only get neurotic bitches ... as a result of your own processing ability ... just a thought. You should search deeper.
As there is a many classy girls out there.
In that light ... slut sex = lots of residue juice. (Is that clearer for ya ... it seems you are doubting my processing abilities, please have no fear.)
As far as your accusations of bugery directed at me. Well, I have never been interested in that type of behavior, I am sorry to burst your bubble. There is nothing wrong with it per say, it's 2010 (if that is how you float your boat ... lol) ... that is certainly not my business.
Have you ever surcome to that behavior yourself ... to have an opinion ? Or u simply get off calling people you don't know...by names ?
Perhaps you are 12 years old (as per all your erroneous spelling mistakes), and simply have had no time as of yet to explore your deepest sexual appetites.

On a different note, I found this picture this morning ...hmmm that is a good angle.
What you think ??

View attachment 1122795

Interesting article about Mary-Louise Parker ... HERE
I would tap that ! (from that angle ... she looks delicious)

it took you that long to come up with that bit of wittiness? .. OK man, I'll pick my battle (since i was going for humor and you went for rambling) you win. sluts are bad and prudes are good. Your turning a disscusion about "what girls do you like" into a "processing abilities" skill set test? yeah man, keep on keeping on.

I like my girls to leave in the morning, If I want intelectual conversation, I'm not looking for a fish-net, mini skirt.
it took you that long to come up with that bit of wittiness? .. OK man, I'll pick my battle (since i was going for humor and you went for rambling) you win. sluts are bad and prudes are good. Your turning a disscusion about "what girls do you like" into a "processing abilities" skill set test? yeah man, keep on keeping on.

I like my girls to leave in the morning, If I want intelectual conversation, I'm not looking for a fish-net, mini skirt.

It took me that long to reply as I have many important things on the go. This thread is ... just pure entertainment ... please, excuse me.
Also, it is kinda childish to call someone a fag ... in a thread titles 'What kind of girls do you like' ... don't you think ? Sarcastic, perhaps ... but that is the lowest form of humor there is IMHO ... which I have no part in.
As to your comment regarding processing abilities ... in no shape or form am I trying to appear prudish or learned. I am simply stating that there is more to sex than the physical act in itself. I need to have a mental connection with a girl if I am going to dip. Perhaps you are different, and there is nothing wrong with that. Perhaps, you are very young and have not had an opportunity to engage with an equal .... mentally ... within the context of this conversation. Perhaps you are afraid of relationships and that is why you limit your relations to ( Ram Bam Thank You Mam). Perhaps one day you will get there and understand. And perhaps you will not.
Perhaps (please don't take this personally)

Please excuse all the ramblings as you put it .... I thought I was having a conversation.

the realest bitches but those girls are the hardest to find unless there fat which takes them out of the picture anyways ; )
I like them ... the chick in green T has a wicked back ...
excuse the German dub ... ;)
"...well I always wanted to see more skin ..." classic

And this wk I am in love with Priya Rai ... yum


I love how she Dubsteps ...


Yo Greenplease !!
Brazilian + beautiful ... wow ... brain melting !
You lucky dog !
Who isn't in love with Priya Rai...?

You'd have to be pretty gay....

thats funny im not gay

i dont like huge fake tits

i dont like the asian / phillipino thing she has going

call me racist but im only attracted to white chicks, everything else turns me off

here is an example of a perfect girl IMO
