What Kind Of High Was This?!?! - Was It laced?!?!

then what other kind of possibility could be present if this wasn't laced and go a little more into the affects of jwh, i really don't know a whole lot about it and well if you're the expert on the jwh scene i'd like some info on it if you don't mind. First experienced you had with it (since this would be my first time exp something like this) it may relate back to what i could have had in it.

otherwise could it just be the fact that it might've been just some really good weed? whats "dank" actually make you feel- cause i doubt people like feeling on the brink of death. xD

Jwh is a chem that act upon the same receptors as weed, but has slightly stronger side effects, panic attacks being incredibly common. lots of people just have an adverse reaction to it,

its cheaper than most drugs people would use to lace, but could be sold as is pretty easily, which is really the only reason i doubt it was laced..... but i feel that if your positive it was laced, it was probably a jwh, or one of the others that are simular to it, there are tons and tons of different ones, possible some one got some really really cheap one, and used it.

but it could be laced with any thing, hard part is understanding what you felt...

also pesticides and fungicides could cause adverse reaction, and thats something most gardeners use on their plants.... including pot.
Sounds like the first time i ever smoked sour diesel!!!!!!!!! i though it was over for me lol

when i got off probation and started smoking again, i'd freak out like this a few times... before my system adjusted again. and tolerance rose like the sears tower.
For some reason, I just assume that everyone on this forum gets high regularly. If you aren't used to smoking daily and in large quantities, then you might get over high when smoking really good stuff. Those days are looooong gone for me! I think you just got too high. Like darth, I couldn't think of any black drug worth lacing weed with.
ive seen something similar once, where a newbie soil grower has treated his plants pretty roughly and managed to get soil stuck in the buds. maybe that could of happened here? without a proper flush salt residues would be in the soil still. Wish we had a pic to work with :)
Thats what i thought when i had a messed up high like that and thought it was the end xD First thing i sent the dealer a text asking him what that shit was laced with and then i started thinking those damn hippies probably didnt flush out some nasty chemicals or something...
I used to smoke weed alone or with my brother constantly, it used to be weed I grew from bagseed so not hyperstrong like the Skunk out there. Anyways, I used to always have a high tolerance but in times when I didn`t have the tolerance I felt as if I could smoke a whole load and still be fine. That wasn`t the case though, as soon as your out of your house/comfort zone in a street or with a group of strangers smoking some very strong, literally toxic buds its a way different feeling. It effects you 2x more. Theres a kind of tolerance that you gain from smoking non-stop and theres a kind of tolerance you gain from getting very high with breaks in between. A tolerance towards the intensity of the experience rather than just towards the substance. I`d call it psychological tolerance and it sucks but leaves you more in control I guess, which control is a tolerance by itself in the psychedelic world... :D

The track of the psychological tolerance can be seen by people first hiding in their room smoking pot, then smoking in the park, smoking walking around the street and finally rolling up J`s just sitting in the pub in front of a public audience while high as ever :D

Remembering facts are important. For example the only 2 deaths reported by cannabis are people lying down in a position unsuitable to their intoxication and choking on their sick. In other words, cannabis isn`t going to kill you. Theres no such friendly high in this world as cannabis. It has its downs as a substance such as forgetting and head bobbing but in my terms its all sweet and no sour :) Fucking perfect....

Just looks like the mistrust with your dealer combined with the unexpectedly intense high and you trying to fight it just plain freaked you out. Could see that happening to me in the right situation/atmosphere. The whole "I can`t breathe" thing cracks me up laughing though :D Its so pronounced in Up in Smoke when in one moment cheech is taking a drag off the spliff saying he can smoke tight sticks then the second his saying he can`t breathe :D

I can`t breathe dude!!
crack would make weed worse, and dont see how you would lace weed with crack, and crack is white or brown, not black

never ever ever heard of H laced weed, but i want some, deffinatly would not cause panic attack though, more like relax attack, lol

cocain, does happen but is actually sought after, and coke is worth more money than weed, you'd make more off it selling it as coke or crack, than you would by giving it away for free in weed.

pcp and you wouldn't have been able to move, or would have gotten naked and pooped in a wendy's,

all speculation.... im not all knowing, just pretty informed.

lmfao? xD took a deuce in the wendys!
ive seen something similar once, where a newbie soil grower has treated his plants pretty roughly and managed to get soil stuck in the buds. maybe that could of happened here? without a proper flush salt residues would be in the soil still. Wish we had a pic to work with :)

there's 2 pics actually, one on the scale and one in my hand/vial.
to give a little more detail it seemd the hairs on the weed were old dried and shriveled up, sort of like it was harvested last, which is why i'm asking like, is deteriorated thc better or worse?
I used to smoke weed alone or with my brother constantly, it used to be weed I grew from bagseed so not hyperstrong like the Skunk out there. Anyways, I used to always have a high tolerance but in times when I didn`t have the tolerance I felt as if I could smoke a whole load and still be fine. That wasn`t the case though, as soon as your out of your house/comfort zone in a street or with a group of strangers smoking some very strong, literally toxic buds its a way different feeling. It effects you 2x more. Theres a kind of tolerance that you gain from smoking non-stop and theres a kind of tolerance you gain from getting very high with breaks in between. A tolerance towards the intensity of the experience rather than just towards the substance. I`d call it psychological tolerance and it sucks but leaves you more in control I guess, which control is a tolerance by itself in the psychedelic world... :D

The track of the psychological tolerance can be seen by people first hiding in their room smoking pot, then smoking in the park, smoking walking around the street and finally rolling up J`s just sitting in the pub in front of a public audience while high as ever :D

Remembering facts are important. For example the only 2 deaths reported by cannabis are people lying down in a position unsuitable to their intoxication and choking on their sick. In other words, cannabis isn`t going to kill you. Theres no such friendly high in this world as cannabis. It has its downs as a substance such as forgetting and head bobbing but in my terms its all sweet and no sour :) Fucking perfect....

Just looks like the mistrust with your dealer combined with the unexpectedly intense high and you trying to fight it just plain freaked you out. Could see that happening to me in the right situation/atmosphere. The whole "I can`t breathe" thing cracks me up laughing though :D Its so pronounced in Up in Smoke when in one moment cheech is taking a drag off the spliff saying he can smoke tight sticks then the second his saying he can`t breathe :D

I can`t breathe dude!!

lolz, thanks for your input man, i probably was not in the right mind because i was smoking in my moms house and usually she doesn't like it so maybe i was trippin on the fact she might smell it and rage.

lolz, thanks for your input man, i probably was not in the right mind because i was smoking in my moms house and usually she doesn't like it so maybe i was trippin on the fact she might smell it and rage.


Sounds about right haha But yeah nothing wrong with you its just the circumstances. First time I took mdma I almost freaked out in the sudden come-up and if you track the things going through my mind it was shit my heart is propably weak, shit i took too much, damn i don`t even know if this is laced etc.. I was alone too and I just stopped for a moment, said am I actually going to stop panicking and dial an ambulance, I was like naah I`m okay :D But there, I grabbed on the idea of calling for help which chilled me out from all those paranoid panic thoughs, if I were in a dark alley somewhere alone with my phone out of battery it would of been major panic! Had a great night that night actually xD

I`d retry it for the hell of it, get really high and laugh at what you did last time :D I`d totally do it, walk around in your room saying I can`t breathe man IMA FAKIN DIEEE :D