What kind of improvement can i expect? Co2


Well-Known Member
In a drip system with a 1000 watt HPS and a 4 by 4 tray in a 5 by 5 tent what kind of improvement can i expect if i add a Co2 tank? what can you tell me about using Co2? how tight does my tent need to be? its not professionally made. I want to know what the real improvement will be my yeilds have been really low so please be realistic -thanks


You're using a 100W HPS for a 16 square ft area? That's your problem. I would recommend at least a 600W for that size. Co2 will help yes, but your problem is light.


Well-Known Member
You're using a 100W HPS for a 16 square ft area? That's your problem. I would recommend at least a 600W for that size. Co2 will help yes, but your problem is light.
sorry i fixed that its a 1000 watt hps...thanks


Well-Known Member
It's not an "improvement" it just makes things happen faster and tolerate more

ie; regular garden flower temp is in the 70's and MJ does not like 90's

with CO2 you can have 90's no problem

CO2 allows you to increase the #'s of the tweaks in your garden, more light, more nutes, higher temps etc makes everything happen faster

but homemade CO2 is not gonna do this for ya, need the real deal


Well-Known Member
im thinking about spending 300$ for a tank and regulator set up. im wondering if it is a good investment as far as bang for buck....will it increase yield? will it affect quality?

Another Realm

Active Member
Hell Yes it will make a big difference. if you set it to the right flow and use it throughout the entire flower cycle obviously off at night and during airflow cycles. you must keep your room sealed unless you want to refill your co2 tank once a week. You must increase your temps and nutes. Like carb loading.

I just invested a grand into co2 and its still worth it on my first grow. It just seems like theres just so much more going on. I can prune more with less stress. its like a hyperbolic chamber for plants....Thats exactly what it is...


Well-Known Member
C02 will make the plants grow bigger faster which equals more bud sites and more production. Running c02 the last 2-3 weeks of flower does nothing and is a waste.


Well-Known Member
C02 will make the plants grow bigger faster which equals more bud sites and more production. Running c02 the last 2-3 weeks of flower does nothing and is a waste.
so should i use Co2 in my veg or in my flower room? i would only be able to afford one tank what would be the most probuctive...i have small veg with CFL"s and flower with 1000 watt HPS


Well-Known Member
In the flowering stage is ultimately the best but veg is good also, but if you're using just CFL's in veg you probably wont notice much difference.


Well-Known Member
so if i have 5 2 liter homemade co2 bottles (suggar and yeast) this will not help?
is it a totall waste or can i use 10 bottle or even 20.
i alreaedy spenat a lot of money and this is my first grow
i just want to have a harvest or 2 before spending hundreds on a c02 setup.


Well-Known Member
Many moons ago, I thought I would jump on that "co2 Bandwagon". I've always been that type of guy that figures "Every little bit helps - right?". So I checked around and did some research, I came up with the following:

1. Adding co2 @ about 1,500 ppm allows overall yield to increase by up to about 50% (more or less). But what they don't tell you is that you need to use more lights and more nutes (in a bigger space) and water more often.
2. At that time, monitors and regulators were seriousely expensive, they're still not cheap!
3. It occured to me that since I needed to upgrade everything to use co2 anyway, why not just upgrade everything by 50% and forget the expensive eguiptment!

In my book, adding co2 only makes sense if you are:
1. Absolutely stuck in a very small space and really need to maximixe your yield - no matter what!
2. Already running a big operation and the cost is not an issue.