What kind of lights?


Active Member
same thing as always depnts on money u got spend if your doing cfl 65kdaylights for veg and 2700 or3000k for flowering and remeber your going need alot light too some somtimes if u got the money up front then i would buy like 250w or 400 w hps or mh

like me i got 22 lights ruing because i didet have all money to go buy one bad mofo the the first time so i started with like 6 t8 750 and now got 9 t8 750 lum 10 1600 26 w 65k and 1 4ft t10 3800 lum so u can do alot things it all on what kind money u got blow good luck happy gtowning


Well-Known Member
k i didn't get much outta that lol...you must be stoned all i got was 2700 or 3000k but how do i know if its blue spectrum or red and also hot many per plant??? I do plan on doin cfl's, but money is not much of an issue i'm probably gonna end up getting em off of ebay tho because to buy them from the hydro store is way to expensive


Active Member
you can go to your local walmart.and buy Ge 6500 k daylights 100 w 1600 lums each for abuot 697 per 2 blulbs and for clamp lights around 7 and y spliters thast make it so u can have 2 lights per fixter bad speller sorry
and when its time to go into your flowering you can do 2700 k or 3000k cfls still at walmart like around 10 for like 3

so wrap up basicly

for $6.97 for 2 26 w 1600 lum daylight 65k plus 2.50 for y sockect spliter
and 6.97 for clamp light with refliter
and 3.00 for sockect extenter so light clear refecter =right nect to y connecter
so total = so 20$ gets you 3200 lums at 46 w .

and emerincey blanket 3$ put that shit on walls working fucking good sorry man im not the best speller but im always welling to help im working on my2ed grow now and im almost mo into veg around 28000lums witjh cfls and t10 and t12 too



Active Member
the pics are what your buying with and without reflecters sorry my babys just went to sleep like 10 mins ago so the door was only able to be opened for a sec pz


Well-Known Member
I like CFL's for popping seeds and early flowering adding a few more for vegging. Move them under HPS and a UVB Lizzard light for flowering. Works great. Aint sure why the Lord give us MH's. Whats up with that?


New Member
in retrospect a 400 watt hps puts off 50,00 lumesns and a 600 puts off 90,000-95,000 lumens. 20 23 watt cfl's would run 460 watts for 24,000 lumens. the lower the number the redder the light i do believe


Active Member
shit even 250 hps would work good too

i got 10 26w 1600lum so u get like 32 for 20 of them and so on hps or mh works good if u got change to buy them up front i wanted to get one but i was also consered about my elect bill skyrockecting like right now starting summer its around 165 a mo with 3 window acs and my room its only 1000kw higher this yr with grow room on cfls but i also added a new ac this yr so i fig the 2 add up to 1000kw more keep room cool and lights