Yes it will get a switchable digital ballast that way you can run and mh or hps bulb in the same unit and the digital run cooler, uses lesss lectricity and weighs like 5 lbs compared to 30 lbs for some of the older magnetic units. Maryland Hydroponics has 400 watt digis for $99 or 600 watters for 119. Think the 400 watters maybe out of stcok but you can mail them and find out if they have more in yet. has som affordable whole units also. a 400 watt light if on 24 hours a day all month only adds about $20-25 to a bill and when its 12/12 figur less then 15 bucks
I'm not worried about the bill thats not a problem just trying to save up enough so i can get one, im in-between jobs right now aka unemployed so ive just been doing odd jobs... i should have a job soon though