What kind of plant is this?


Active Member
I planted 2 seeds from bag seed about 3 weeks ago. Only one sprouted. It is growing extremely slow, and is very "stringy". Can hardly hold up it's own weight. If i get water on it when im watering it, it falls over. this I know is from lack of sunlight. Im tryin for super-secret here, cuz i recently got busted -.-
Im going to be moving it into the woods in a couple days.

Anyways, it has roundish leaves, and it is very "clover-like". I saw the post about the mix-up between clover seeds and weed seeds, but i know what i planted was a weed seed because it, and the second seed, came straight from my best bag of weed.

Anyone know wtf is up?




Well-Known Member
Not sure what kind of plant that is, but it's definitely not weed.
There's only one way to find out! Take some more pics when it gets bigger.
Good luck! :)


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha, looks like a bad MS Paint job to me. Not really looking like a plant--beside it being green.


Active Member
I am really starting to doubt if it is weed, but i cant imagine how it ended up growing in my cup, because it as been covered with plastic wrap since germination, but maybe it really is a clover -.-
Well I guess Ill keep watching it for fun ^^ but i planted 4 more seeds so hopefully at least a few will be weed.