What kind of politics or political system will there be when hell comes to earth

So, you are passive aggressive and think that sciopathic comments cover for the next sociopathic comment.

I was only mentioning the one sociopathic comment.

And now I point out, Mr. Cockney or Manchester, Midlands or West country,perhaps Nigerian Enclave for all I know, whoever you are with no second language.....this quote from G. B. Shaw.

It is impossible for an Englishman to open his mouth without making some other Englishman hate or despise him.[SUP][7][/SUP]

You made an inaccurate statement based on your lack of reading comprehension your foundations are weak anything you build will topple
You are welcome to make as many negative comments about the country in which i reside, i shall not be offended patriotism is not something i suffer from

Why would you post a quote from IRISH George shaw, aka Mr Fabian society about English folk
was this some snobbish attempt to appear well-read lol ?
do you know anything more about George shaw other than the wiki article you previously read ?

Mr Fabian society is also welcome to his posthumous opinion of English folk

You made an inaccurate statement based on your lack of reading comprehension your foundations are weak anything you build will topple
You are welcome to make as many negative comments about the country in which i reside, i shall not be offended patriotism is not something i suffer from

Why would you post a quote from IRISH George shaw, aka Mr Fabian society about English folk
was this some snobbish attempt to appear well-read lol ?
do you know anything more about George shaw other than the wiki article you previously read ?

Mr Fabian society is also welcome to his posthumous opinion of English folk


Because I simply don't give a fuck. Is that not obvious?

What is your second written language Mr Engish perfect?
My God, how ignorant you are. First I would like to say, that if not for America, the English would be speaking German today. The French didn't lend any real military aide until the Americans showed that they had a chance of winning. Yes, there was some burning or women (and men) who were accused of witch craft. However, the same thing was going on in Jolly olde England as well. That's why they left, to escape persecution from the Church of England. You speak of slavery, that is a gift from England to America. The US government outlawed the importation of slaves in 1808, very shortly after forming our own government.

This guy seems to have some idea

Because I simply don't give a fuck. Is that not obvious?

What is your second written language Mr Engish perfect?

You don't give a fuck, well that's fantastic for you, Mr rebellious
belated teenage angst ?

your comments have a rather bitter tone about them which would suggest you care to some degree
why bother replying to my post ?

why do you continue to attempt to misrepresent what i have said with your added injection of bitterness ?
when i have previously corrected you, anyone of reasonable intelligence would of accepted the error and moved on
some folk i guess become angry when their mistakes are pointed out, as you have done on virtually every thread i see you on lol

let it go Mr angry pants

Anger? That is all in your mind. I have no anger. I am a totally happy being, very "arrived" in my life. You are seriously projecting the tone in your own mind. Try reading it like you paid a girl to read it real sexy to you.


So, no written second language. That's fine. So, that was my question and you are dreaming if you think any thing you say is correction for me or makes me feel anything.

That is the true beauty of "I don't give a shit." You simply hate to be opposed, it all.
I bet if we ignore him, he really won't like that.

Oh doer, I bet you cannot do it.

Anger? That is all in your mind. I have no anger. I am a totally happy being, very "arrived" in my life.

Well lets test that theory.

From everything that I have managed to decipher from the TV, the internet, and from people whom Iv had mostly the displeasure of meeting - and all other sources (including doer's posts), iv come to realise that the Average IQ of a person unfortunate enough to have been raised in those terrible corrupt united states which are unfortunately for everyone else's sakes located on earth, has had its potential stunted (no doubt by the backwards society in the supposedly united states of stupidity), to such a level that one could only take an educated guess and say that the amount of intelligence displayed by the Average US-American is on par with that of an old dried up toadstool which has been sitting around since last season.

And to be quite frank, this opinion is also shared by mostly the rest of the world, except Australians, because Australians Love Americans and they love everything they do. Australians aspire to be just like their American role models for which is no doubt the reason they've copied part of their accent. Below is a video of the Australian accent for those of you who're curious to see the resemblance.

...Remember the Invitation Oprah got?.. Yea, that's what I'm talking about


Lmao the guy says Aussies sound like parrots. Priceless. But I don't think he mentioned the fact that Aussies say grass the same way Yanks do. It doesn't matter cuzz they do.

One for the aussies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQBqELlb6mM
I do not recall such talk of bestiality or zoophillia
this thread has just taken an unsuspected creepy turn

whatever the fuck next ?

Its been creepy the whole time that echelon has been here!!!

Luckily I can hide behind my screen though.
Echelon came out about his interests of zoophillia in another thread which was subsequently closed soon thereafter.

I would thank Echelon1k1 (who is From Australia) to continue his silence and not talk about what he aspires to do with kangaroo`s.
Anger? That is all in your mind. I have no anger. I am a totally happy being, very "arrived" in my life. You are seriously projecting the tone in your own mind. Try reading it like you paid a girl to read it real sexy to you.


So, no written second language. That's fine. So, that was my question and you are dreaming if you think any thing you say is correction for me or makes me feel anything.

That is the true beauty of "I don't give a shit." You simply hate to be opposed, it all.

You have been an angry little hillbilly since i corrected you on various other threads LOL
You have been an angry little hillbilly since i corrected you on various other threads LOL

Well, see, I don't remember feeing anything in particular, then or now. Not anger or correction.

It might be your projection of anger?

So folks may confuse straight talking yank cuzins for an angry lot. I would not know. I am quite content. Commander's Complacency in the old sense of the word. Prepared. All set, as it were.

And I've never met a hillbilly. though tracing their roots through music, they indeed come from coastal England. So it is something of the high complement. Alas, I cannot claim it.

However you may, yourself have an ancestral claim. We are French.
Oh doer, I bet you cannot do it.

Well lets test that theory.

From everything that I have managed to decipher from the TV, the internet, and from people whom Iv had mostly the displeasure of meeting - and all other sources (including doer's posts), iv come to realise that the Average IQ of a person unfortunate enough to have been raised in those terrible corrupt united states which are unfortunately for everyone else's sakes located on earth, has had its potential stunted (no doubt by the backwards society in the supposedly united states of stupidity), to such a level that one could only take an educated guess and say that the amount of intelligence displayed by the Average US-American is on par with that of an old dried up toadstool which has been sitting around since last season.

And to be quite frank, this opinion is also shared by mostly the rest of the world, except Australians, because Australians Love Americans and they love everything they do. Australians aspire to be just like their American role models for which is no doubt the reason they've copied part of their accent. Below is a video of the Australian accent for those of you who're curious to see the resemblance.

...Remember the Invitation Oprah got?.. Yea, that's what I'm talking about


Lmao the guy says Aussies sound like parrots. Priceless. But I don't think he mentioned the fact that Aussies say grass the same way Yanks do. It doesn't matter cuzz they do.

One for the aussies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQBqELlb6mM

It is true that Americans are largely perceived to be uneducated it is also true that the average American has a lower IQ
than their European counterparts
combine this with an unprecedented lack of understanding for geography and history throw in some morbid obesity
and the stereotype is complete

but i must disagree with you when it comes to Aussies, most of the Aussies i encounter
share this popular dim view of Americans
Australians altogether seem quite nice down-to-earth type people
most of which would be more than able to point to japan on a globe unassisted
Well, see, I don't remember feeing anything in particular, then or now. Not anger or correction.

It might be your projection of anger?

So folks may confuse straight talking yank cuzins for an angry lot. I would not know. I am quite content. Commander's Complacency in the old sense of the word. Prepared. All set, as it were.

And I've never met a hillbilly. though tracing their roots through music, they indeed come from coastal England. So it is something of the high complement. Alas, I cannot claim it.

However you may, yourself have an ancestral claim. We are French.

It is quite clear you lack the ability to admit when you have made an error
you also are unable to accept constructive criticism

Anger is perfectly natural, in some cases justifiable , and very useful under the right circumstances
your denial is to be expected
Just the other month, I was wondering.. why do we deny things?

Why is it that we feel emotionally some sort of denial? If we can find an answer to that, I think that would be good.

It is true that Americans are largely perceived to be uneducated it is also true that the average American has a lower IQ
than their European counterparts
combine this with an unprecedented lack of understanding for geography and history throw in some morbid obesity
and the stereotype is complete

but i must disagree with you when it comes to Aussies, most of the Aussies i encounter
share this popular dim view of Americans
Australians altogether seem quite nice down-to-earth type people
most of which would be more than able to point to japan on a globe unassisted

You know you're absolutely right about the comment on Aussies.
I do respect aussies! I honestly do. I already said this before, well, something similar. Steve Erwin was a role model for me, and of all the famous people in the world he was my favourite.
When I lived in Australia the truth of the matter is that MOST Australians that I met FACE TO FACE were indeed really cool people! lucky for me, right?

Yes, I have made a lot of bad comments about Australians, but those comments are completely factual, though they definitely don't apply to (hopefully) most Australians! I'v mentioned this point a few times.
My words have simply been blown up into a giant evil looking cloud by the those two aussies.

Also, Australian celebrities are like a plague. They act stupid (not sure if it's acting tbh) and they often say things that could be perceived as offensive, or even SLIGHTLY offensive. And these things are often comments about other countries!
So Imagine you're living in Australia and suddenly the funny guy on tv says something unpleasant about your home country!! Sure, its all for a laugh, but it's just not cool for many people.

That's why if you were to look on youtube and type "Australia is racist" or similar, you would get TONS and TONS and TONS of results, because so many people feel the same way that I do. Therefore, Echelon and birdbrain, I am not full of shit.

Though you two already knew that. No body likes a dickhead, right guys?
I'm not a dickhead!
As long as you do not believe all Aussies are the same its not a problem which you have stated you don't

calling someone a paki would suggest it is an insult to just be from Pakistan
i think that is a deep rooted kind of racial slur , since the meaning behind it is, all Pakistanis are worthless, just identifying them as a paki is enough to bring shame on them
this was the belief that created this slur in the first place , was this not the same kind of thinking behind the term "polak" being used as a slur suggesting
anyone from Poland is less worthy

perhaps it would sound better if you had said you like to annoy patriotic Aussies by using stereotypes of their nationality
the race game is a minefield of contradictions imo, it would seem the darker the skin you have the more race cards you are dealt to play with

Doer-in-Denial , This hillbilly will never concede, or own up to his denial his delicate little ego will not allow it
Why do you think I'm a hilly billy? Is that some kind of insult to you? Are you trying to insult me or something, I mean.

French Slaver from Virginia, I don' tol ya.
Steve Erwin was a role model for me, and of all the famous people in the world he was my favourite.

As I knew steve personally, through his close relationship with John Williamson, I can say will all honesty you would've been a person he wouldn't have want to have know. Quite frankly you're a disgusting human being and don't share an iota of likeness with an Australian legend like Irwin. http://www.wildlifewarriors.org.au/ambassadors/index.html
As I knew steve personally, through his close relationship with John Williamson, I can say will all honesty you would've been a person he wouldn't have want to have know. Quite frankly you're a disgusting human being and don't share an iota of likeness with an Australian legend like Irwin. http://www.wildlifewarriors.org.au/ambassadors/index.html

sure, well we are all entitled to our own opinions we we get from our own unique perceptions. Sure he woulda liked me, I'm pretty similar to the guy in nature. I'm sure he wouldn't stand up for racist idiots either, no matter if they were Aussies or not.

You see, I'm a good person. You on the other hand, try to put me down every chance you get with your "days of ammo".
As I knew steve personally, through his close relationship with John Williamson, ...(commet discarded, in memoriam) an Australian legend ... Irwin. http://www.wildlifewarriors.org.au/ambassadors/index.html

Hey, great guy...very obvious to the world. Good for you, to be sure. I remember most clearly, the 16 ft salty that whipped him tail, all the way up and slapped it down at a speed I could not fathom. Yet, that speed was not the blur, that Steve was as he barely twisted just out of the way. :)

I really saw two marvels that day.
sure, well we are all entitled to our own opinions we we get from our own unique perceptions. Sure he woulda liked me, I'm pretty similar to the guy in nature. I'm sure he wouldn't stand up for racist idiots either, no matter if they were Aussies or not.

You see, I'm a good person. You on the other hand, try to put me down every chance you get with your "days of ammo".

No. I know good persons and believe me, you are not a good person.

Good persons do not denigrate anyone for any reason. Nor do the troll simple to practice English. Good people do not spout racist labels. To say the word racist, is racist to me.

So, you have shown you worser fear and fulfilled it. No one here thinks you are a Good Person.
sure, well we are all entitled to our own opinions we we get from our own unique perceptions. Sure he woulda liked me, I'm pretty similar to the guy in nature. I'm sure he wouldn't stand up for racist idiots either, no matter if they were Aussies or not.

You see, I'm a good person. You on the other hand, try to put me down every chance you get with your "days of ammo".

No. I know good persons and believe me, you are not a good person.

Good persons do not denigrate anyone for any reason. Nor do they troll simply to practice English. Good people do not spout racist labels. Even to say the word racist, is racist to me. That is how bad the race bait has gotten. Now here is a fact.

Today there are about 5,000 Polish citizens who are of Black African origin...out of over 30 million. So anything about the racial situation is unknown to Poles.

So, you have shown your worst fear as you have actually, fulfilled it, at the same time. Cool trick. Priceless.

No one here thinks you are a Good Person.
What will life be like in a million years when no one remembers who I am or that having an effect on my life today?

Good question, never thought about it...