What kind of poppysead plants make opium?


New Member
It is sad dude you should seriously look into addictions treatment. This is a website about growing a fairly harmless plant. I hate to see people go down your path so the propaganda machine can feed you into the anti-pot side and spit you out on the other side as another victim of this "gateway" drug. I know you are not going to listen but I have seen a lot of people die and worse from their drug use. Either way drop me a line when you hit bottom or wnd up in jail :peace:
Well considering both of my parents smoked crack and I'm a crack baby so don't talk to me like I don't know shit, I stay away from coke. I wont fuck with meth or heroine. But honestly if it grows from a fucking plant I don't see why not to try it. Propaganda aint got shit on me.


New Member
I had a drug class in highschool, part of gym class that year. It was cool cause our coach was obviously more informed than the text book. And I did very well in that class
I did good in my substance abuse classes I had to take for probation lmfao... The classes where acctully intresting and weirdly quite cool, we talked about albert hoffman an stuff.


Well-Known Member
Well considering both of my parents smoked crack and I'm a crack baby so don't talk to me like I don't know shit, I stay away from coke. I wont fuck with meth or heroine. But honestly if it grows from a fucking plant I don't see why not to try it. Propaganda aint got shit on me.
Best of luck to you then . . . oh BTW cocaine comes from a plant, oh and so does heroin. Don't believe the lines you have drawn in the sand will save you bro like I said I have seen it too many times before. Most of those pills you are researching are in fact opiate derived as well. Obviously propaganda has not worked on you but you can always be another statistic for someone else.


New Member
Best of luck to you then . . . oh BTW cocaine comes from a plant, oh and so does heroin. Don't believe the lines you have drawn in the sand will save you bro like I said I have seen it too many times before. Most of those pills you are researching are in fact opiate derived as well. Obviously propaganda has not worked on you but you can always be another statistic for someone else.
Alright my last post was pretty dickish I apologize for that but I know what I'm doing, I research like a motherfucker before I try anything that has a slight chance to fuck with me. And Coke is chemicly drawn from a cocoplant, so it technicly isnt a plant, and with heroine it derives from opium, which you have to do shit to opium to get heroine. So in both cases of those drugs they don't really come from plants from start as plants.


New Member
I just think it'd be a cool experience, grow my own plant an try it out. If I don't like it don't do it again, an if I do like it... Than I gotta make sure I don't do it again huh?


Well-Known Member
It's not legal to grow or posses unless you have a med card, which doesn't seem that hard to get (just kinda awkward to have if you're not "seriously ill"). I've seen some ppl get one for insomnia even though I know they probably go to sleep faster than me lol.

Hey fdd I never noticed that your name is like a knockoff of "fade to black" (yeah I'm slow). Metallica fan by any chance?
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Welcome to the 707 holmes.
Get a script, grow pot.

Pretty damn easy to get a script, especially if you know some of the doctors.
NorCal is weed heaven.
Hey fdd, is weed legal where you live? I've heard people say it's legal to grow in cali i just never knew.


Well-Known Member
Do you guys know if I could just throw these seeds on moist soil and have them grow (no ferts or anything)? Or should I germinate them in a pot and then bury them outside? I have a bunch of seeds someone gave me and they're just sitting in a bag and need to do something with them.