What Kind Of Scissors/Shears/Trimming Tools Do You Use?


Well-Known Member
hey everyone,

just thought id ask the general question of what do you use to trim your harvest? id been using a pair of standard metal scissors, small ones, same kind i use to trim my beard haha

anyway, after trimming up my most recent harvest (about 10 zips) my fingers are FUCKED UP. and quite sore... logged about 14 hours of solid cutting (7 of which were consecutive, non-stop)

looking for something more ergonomic, whats the best choice?


bud bootlegger
i got a pair of spring loaded fiskar's from wally wolrd for under twenty bucks or so i think.. they are nice as the spring keeps the scissors open, which can be a real pain in the ass once they get loaded with resin...
i also use a big pair of normal fiscars that aren't spring loaded.. they work well too, but take more effort after some use..


Well-Known Member
They're pretty comfortable scissors when you have to use them for a while and the small tip lets you do precise work.:leaf:


Active Member
I just walked in the door from my hydro shop picked up some nutes and a pair of Fiskars micro tip blades pruning snips :D


Well-Known Member
welp, just ordered a pair of fiskars... ive had this 25$ walmart gift card for like 6 months and finally put it to good use, thanks everyone!