what kind of ventilation would I need for a 250watt hps?

that bear smokey

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, happy smoking to you all. I have a grow tent that is 32x20x60. I plan on using a 250watt hps for 2 plants in soil. I was wanting to know what would I need for good heat ventilation for that?


Well-Known Member
Is it an air cooled hood or are you venting the tent alone? What are the room temps? You may be able to get away with a 4" but a 6" will move about twice as much air for about 15% more cash and give you more options. Just my thoughts, good luck with whatever you land on!


Well-Known Member
my space is 20x50x50 and i am using 2 120mm pc fans with my 250w hps, not far off dimension wise. my temps stay between 25c-28c (76f-81f) took them out of an old pc so didnt cost me nothing, i have no passive intake either. just some cracks under the door.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
While it depends on your locaiton and as such humidity and ambient temperatures, something like a 250w hps should need minimal to no active cooling at all. I have seen plenty of grows with them just hung in tents with a basic reflector and nothing else. As i say, your ambient temperatures will of course play a role, but it's only really with the larger HIDs that you have to start thinking about big air cooled hoods or cooltubes and big extractor fans etc.

Cooling your grow room or cab is typically one of these things which you can plan on paper in advance but will often find you need to tweak or change out bits and pieces as you go. Very hard to get a grow room spot on first time without prior experience with the products being used etc. Growing is a learning urve, don't be afraid about buying a product and finding it's not quite suitable etc, we all do it.


Well-Known Member
I would go with a 4" in-line fan couple to a speed control box ( you can also ad a carbon filter for odor ), it will be more than enough to keep your temperature under control & bring fresh co2 to your plant