what kinda bug is this


New Member
I found a very small clear insect (crawling )on one of my girls never seen this before tried google with a description no luck best way to describe characteristic of it was it looked similar to a tiny shrimp with something that resembles stingers from its tail

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Oddly enough that description is enough for me. What you are looking at is a Leafhopper nymph. I have seen tons of them in the garden. Annoyingly hard to get rid of.

They come in a bunch of different shapes and colors, some quite striking, but they all look vaguely shrimp-like with crazy tails.


Well-Known Member
Annoyingly hard to get rid of may be an understatement. They hide under leaves, they're tiny and they hop (well duh!). Making them hard to find, catch and kill. And they can go from a few on your plants, to an army in a week :cuss: I shake my plants every morning, to see if I had any new visitors. If you see a bunch of little white dots leaving the plant, when shaking, you may have a case of leaf hopper blues. I caught a few so far this year, but amazingly enough, weekly Don't Bug Me treatments seem to have kept them at bay....so far. I lost a few branches to them last year. They seem to attack where branches meet the stem and tap into the flow of plant juices. Weakening branches that have decent sizes buds growing.

Good luck :peace:
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Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
The worst thing about them is the sticky honeydew shit they shoot out their backside while they suck phloem. Shit draws flies and mold like nothing else. I'm gonna blast mine with neem and potassium bicarbonate one more time before the girls are so late in flower that I can't hit them with anything. Also found a bit of PM that i blame on the leafhoppers, thankfully I found it now cuz next month would be too close to harvest for my spraying comfort


Well-Known Member
I know this is several days old; but I would like to chime in on this...If you start out foliar spraying
your plants with seaweed and progressively move to a azadircachtin supplement you will start
tearing up on behalf of these little creatures. You will come to your garden and see the following:

'Hey wasn't that bug in this same position last time I checked?,' what gives??? The lil creature
is paralyzed in time due to the molecule that disrupts their well being in the worst way. This
molecule is the ultimate anti-feedant...find it and put these issues behind you....true story.