What kinda dreams do you get?


Well-Known Member
Ok I know everyone here has to be with me on this 1, If u go to sleep u dream no matter who or what you may think you might remember them or not depends,So what if you think dreams are gay if you dont like the thread then you need not be bothered with reading on then.

But what is the craziest dream you can remember having?

I will start out with one of my own dreams, I was sitting in a classroom and the teacher was trying to tell everyone something about the physics of botany ,of all things,then next thing i know the whole room is smelling of salvia, this is horrible to me as i have only tryed salvia once and never again will I do it but it is a distinct smell that i wont forget,Next thing i knew everyone including the teacher was messed up some people were laughing histericaly and a couple people totaly flipped out doing crazy sommersaults n shit, Im sitting there and im moving around like i am in slow motion the person next to me looks at me and sais what are we doing here? or some thing like that,next thing i see white flashes everywhere then everything turns white briefly then i wake up, Crazy shit if ya ask me,:joint:


Well-Known Member
If you don't dream you'll die...check into it. Smoking herb generally damages your short-term memory. I haven't remembered a dream in years, but I know I have them every night.


i would say maybe about 1 out of every 10 dreams i have are aliens abducting / killing people lol


Well-Known Member
It does not damage your memory, it simply interferes with the brain chemicals formed by the body to "delete" "unneccessary" short term memory...

I smoke alot of pot and I can be i dreamland within 10 minutes of closeing my eyes...

Dreams are weird but also somehow therepeutical, I almost get to watch as an observer my natural reactions to being in diffirent situations...

I have killed the occasional person in my dream (felt like a worm, but always in self defence), I sometimes dream of going places on a large cruise ship.... man the world out there is beautifull... sometimes I dream of a beautifull swimming pool cut into the side of a hill in the mountains... you see my village from the edge of the pool when you are in the water... and of course my favourite dreams have nekid girls in... gotta love those!

This morning I had a funny dream....I remember it had something to do with plants...can't remember what... but I was singing when I got up!


Well-Known Member
It is true that if you stop smoking your short term memory will return & you'll be able to remember your dreams much better.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I remember my dreams too... but only while I'm dreaming... they tend to be like episodes of a few stories... (you never know which one is going to show tonight), I'll only remember remembering...


Well-Known Member
1 of my most messed up dreams was me in a haunted house hearing the devils voice . or i had this 1 dream i flipped out and started knocking out people left and right.lol


Well-Known Member
Ill have to agree with you guys ,when it comes to not smokeing for a while i find that i have more memory of dreams and better recall,Im the kind of person who dosent smoke everyday if i have an objective to meat, more so along the lines of a couple times a week until my baby is ready to harvest its kinda my hold out till then.But certain weed strains give your mind a better pickup on focus and concentration at leaste thats what i get from the higher energy buzz of sativa or the cloudy trichomes on well grown bud that gives you more of a cerebral high if ya know what im saying.Yet it dose depend on the person as far as memory goes.


Well-Known Member
I stick to the clear headed salvias... It will only HIT me the first day or two after a dryspell like I'll be haveing for another 3 days or so...

It takes me longer to get from sober to the kind of stoned that I enjoy, than it takes me to go from stoned to be sober enough for anything....i.e. I am always smokeing...

lebanese blonde

Active Member
i like to clean up for a couple of months every year or so. refreshes the body and helps to rediscover new highs. but when i stop or start to bring my daily amount down i start having horrible shitty dreams. but just for a few nights.


Well-Known Member
My most fucked up dream was, I was in the backseat of a speeding convertable lying down looking up at the sky. There were people flying in hang gliders throwing rocks at me and I was shooting them down with a pea shooter.:confused:


Well-Known Member
The only dreams I remember are the free-flying ones and the nightmares. I get nightmares sometimes but I always triumph over them. So it's like an adrenaline rush more than fear.

I love the dreaming world... Especially when you're having sex with a celebrity. :hump:


Active Member
ya i have crazy dreams every night and i smoke a lot i rember most of them like one time i dreamed me and some freinds were in a ork war u know them ugly green thing off lord of the rings or the video game marowind