What light should I buy


Well-Known Member
The test data must support some type of prediction but I'm not sure how it's reached. I remember church haze saying hundreds of years if the current is low enough. I assume much lower than the currents we are using, but still it gives the idea the lifespan can be extended exponentially. Perhaps he will chime in.


Well-Known Member
Would love to see similar data for cxb 3590, 3070

bridgelux lumen 10000hrs.jpg

Edit: 10000hrs is about 2.3 years with 12 hrs per day
Data is @2.1 Amps Vero 29. Lumen maintenance will be even better at 1.4amps
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Well-Known Member
Five years still ain't bad- I see precious few other lighting options lasting anywhere near that long.


Well-Known Member