What light to get?


Active Member
hey, about to start my first grow and I need a decent priced grow light for 2-3 plants, what do you guys suggest?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi Taylor...

if you can control heat and have the money.. you should go with a 1000 watt hps bulb... it will allow for expansion (larger grows) in the future and it will produce the biggest YIELDS!



Well-Known Member
Asking about what lights are best is like asking someone what's their favorite car. LOL Lotsa people use metal halide for vegetative growth, then switch to high pressure sodium during flowering phase. But there are also those who use compact flourescents to germinate and during veg phase.

Like the garden knowm said, HPS produce great yields, but the downside is heat with a 1000 watt bulb. If it's your first grow, you might try CFLs to germinate and veg your plants, then switch to a HPS bulb.

All of this depends on how many plants you're going to grow. A big grow, MH or HPS works great. A small grow (1 to 2 plants) and CFLs might be a cheap and easy way to grow. So it kinda depends on your budget and how big you want to go. Hope this helps. Good luck with ur grow!


Active Member
thanks for the info, yea im trying to jus grow maybe 2 plants, 3 at most and am just looking for an inexpensive light to grow them in, i dont want to drop 300 bucks on a grow light. I also jus remembered i have a light that was used for a pet snake. do you think that would work? i still need to find it and find out how much watts it has ect..


Well-Known Member
it'll cook your plant, these lights are almost like a sun lamp, they radiate alot of heat. Stay away from gro lights, too, their spectrum is wrong for pot plants. Cf's are a good bet for small grows like you have. figure about 75w per plant, or 2000 lumens per square foot.


Active Member
alright sweet. yea i was lookin i was jus lookin today at some 100 watt cfl's that i think im going to get to start them off, then probably go off higher. also is it as effective to have a two 100 watt lights as jus having one 200 watt light?


Active Member
the problem is i dont have enough money for a thousand watts. i was thinkin of getting a hundred watt cool white and a hundred watt soft white cfl to start. is this a good set up for probably two plants for the first few weeks?


Active Member
does anybody know how good MH lights with a blue spectrum are for growing?? i was thinkin of using that for vegging and an hps for flowering. would that be a good setup?


Well-Known Member
I would go with CFLs for your vegging, it's just way more cost effective. If possible go with the HPS for flowering.