What lights? Please help! Need to get setup for harvest soon!

I have two of the Kingbrite 240w 3500k double heatsink. I’d have a hard time justifying twice the price on a SF. They’re coming out of a factory in China too so what makes them worth double the price? Being able to call someone in located in the US just to get shitty customer service. I’ve seen plenty pictures of email responses customers have gotten back from them and it’s a joke.

Either fork up the cash for an HLG if you want a product made in the US and good customer service or go with Kingbrite/Meijiu if you want something cheap that still works good.

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thank you for that
Nice boards are those the king led??


look ur space is imho opinion too big for a first time light experiment... find very evenly spread reflectors
air cooled if ur in a hot area ... get digital 1kw dimables use at 600w ... get 2 or 3 depending on reflector .

de put out a shit ton of light and are imho the best lighting ...

... however the ballasts and reflectors are designed for comercial green houses to be hung very high up where heat dissipation can happen if u dont have 12ft high tent or ceiling

i did just see, again,
adjusta wing get into the de space with a reflector that detaches the ballast i believ

hydrofarm has similar as well.
bottom line is again get a ton of ligjt and get it now. U neverwill go wromg starting with 1kw dimmables... u can change in the future ...

just remember to use separate lower watt bulbs . For the dim setting ... i recomend justusing 600w mh /hps. Put one 1kw hps in the middle and two 600 mh on the sides with right reflector that should be solid for thst space ..

on the subject of temperatures....

.. im running active experiments on hps vs quantum's and i just realized my hps lights are actually running cooler in their air cooled hoods than the led.... by a large margin infact.

and thats not running "external cooler non grow rooM air through them....

If u need to control temps i do recomend getting cold fresh air in the hoods not from thr grow space, use insulated ducting... dump the heat in the attic ... and dont worry about odor control if your reflectors are good they shouldnt leak odor ...

From my very minimal experience so far Ied isnt that great at dissipating heat... yet . And the amount of led u would need for that space would produce a lot..

On another , head scratcher note...

i have heard cmh run cooler than hps ? Might be same reason mh runs cooler than hps?
This area of lighting alludes me .. a watts a watt . It is literally a measure of heat.. a light may put more lumins out but the wattage / heat wont change...
. Heat and watt are hand and hand by definition ?

can some one please tell me the temp of their cmh bulbs at bulb, and inches under becuase this watt for watt should equal heat . Am i missing something?

the only thing to disect here is efficiency
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Agree with those saying go kingbrite. The difference in quality is marginal they use same components - but half price. Its dimmable aswell, even had this before several more expensive brands like hlg.

Mabey i should just get 4 kingbrite 240w leds from alibaba like someone said earlier. besides that i am not sure what to get now lol
Do it. If u wanna go this route I suggest going for the B diodes over H if price matters cause there is practically no difference but marketing. Wish I knew that when I bought the H. Which board you choose would depend on how you arrange ur grow room. Myself I use 3 of the 240w in a 4.4'x3.3' (about 50w per feet) and man is it bright! Plants love it.
There's a sale on Amazon right now(or more likely an error from the seller) I just ordered to viparspectra p1500s for $20 I'd post the link, but im not sure if thats allowed here.
hello can someone tell me what kind of lights i will need because i do not know much and this is my first grow. I currently have 4 little lights but i wanna know what exactly and how many lights i need because i heard these are not that great. Here is information to the lights i have now and my tent size. I will be growing 6 plants in it as big as i can possibly grow them to fill the tent. Any help please. Lights are all pretty much the same size that i own 8×12. The 3 i have say they are 1000watt each i am not sure if that is true. The other one says 4000watt. Please let me know the best lights for the grow tent and for the price.
Im always light hunting looking for new models. Of course the spider farmer lights are a great choice but theyre pricey. I have 2 sf 2000s and and st 1000 in my flowering tent.

but i gound this rail style light that has a lot of power and great components but its fairly new. I bought it and its super bright so maybe you should take a look if ur on a budget.

i have that one in my veg tent. If its strong enough ill buy another tent and flower plants under 2 of em. Theresno shortage of options out there. Happy hunting!


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Yea man I just wish we can get lux /lumin numbers .. I know that lumin didn’t work for burples but you need like. A minimum of 30k to veg and optimally above 50k to flower. Now that these are using normal color spectrum leds lux could be useful for us all...

I will note I’ve done some diy leds that smds... the cheap shop lights at Walmart dismantle into a nice slim small veg light ... just take apart the housing the light output is faaaar. Better than t5 I was really surprised ran tests my self ..however I have noticed some bizzare issues like I think too much light even tho I’m getting like 12k lux .. some of the exact model lights my plants love the others they don’t ...

to be frank with fluorescent 6500k wasthe spectrum some times higher ..

these daylight colored leds I don’t think the plans like too much I can’t figure it out they def seem to prefer like 4000k leds I can’t figure out why because I used to test fluorescents extensively! The daylights were amazing ! Plants love the shitnoit Of them . Just to make sure my genetics weren’t weird I thru some under old fluorescent lights and plants perked up beautifullythey really love that light. That happens sometimes with led it’s like hit or miss . I had that happen more with the burpless.
These are not controlled experiments but very keen notated observations...

I even tossed in 4x burpel 15 watt bulbs . Just in a small 2x2 mom area that had daylight leds ... they were kind of meger growth before ..kind of looked like too much light or something .. days later the extra spectrum from the burpee made them look so much happier! I think the cool daylight leds lacktoo much in the red . I’d like to see a par of a daylight 6500k led shopmlight Versus it’s t5 or t8 e6500k equivalent. I bet you will find a much wider colo band width. Despite kelvin being a standard I’m sure mfg only have to claime the the dominate spectrum... leds are possibly much more narrow in coloroutput

In conclusion just in my experience 4K led shop lights = happy plants 6500k led shop lights are a bizzare hit or miss ...

I’m also not sure the typical lumin golden rules apply with leds ... leds seems much brighter at half the actual lux to the eye test and to my plants health.. IMO

Idk we’ll see I finally am going to attempt flower for the first time with a 240w Samsung lmb quantum board . It looks like a sf or hlg knock off .. we will see . It’s my first real purpose bought led .. I’ve just kind of been using them for vegging and moms ...
Idk if the 240 is enough for 2x4 tho it says it is for. A 4x4 area .. I might get a second one to truly see what they can do .
I’ll post back brand and lux readings if anyone will be interested ..

everyone should get a cheap light meter for real.

mg garden improved dramatically with one.. I was able to find out my 600w HOA bulbs were putting down Meesely 40k luxfor shits my local shop had a bunch of used “ eye super Hps... and holy shit literally doubledmy light output even if I just had a bad batch of Hps bulbs or something.. I’m now a true eye horti bulb believe.. they do put more heatout tho.

That got away from me .

hope. People find anything helpful in that lol .

peace .
Im always light hunting looking for new models. Of course the spider farmer lights are a great choice but theyre pricey. I have 2 sf 2000s and and st ppy hunting!

Lol nice carpet man! That light on the far right in the tent for some reason looks like it’s crushing.

it looks like they put outgood light just have badlight foot print I could see those long ones doing really well if they put out a lot of light .
Lol yeah. The house is old and that carpet is probably a relic from the 70’s. Yeah theres definitely a lot of light in there. To your point about walmart shop lights. I grew entire plants veg to flower under 4 ft fluorescents 10 years ago and got very decent yields.
i was poor back then though and technologyhas improved so much now it isnt necessary to use power hogs like MH or HPS lamps. The best lights now seem to be the rail style LEDS. Have fun.