What Lights Should i use?


Active Member
hi im a new grower and just getting started looking to get ak-47 seeds and im doing an all cfl grow and im wondering what model of light i should get i can only get 2 lights. so im wondering what the least amount of wattage i can use for a decent yield and does it have do be warm light or cool light or what ever it is called? lol


Well-Known Member
Use cool for veg and warm for flower. Use as many of the most powerful lights as you can get your hands on. Watch out for high temperatures.


Active Member
ok sweet and is there like reflector like some cheap light fixture for 20$ or something at any local hardware store that would be good, and i dont know anything about wiring so it would have to be i screw bulb in then plug fixture in wall :P


Well-Known Member
since you are only using two lights i'd go with two cools then two warms and swap em out. Since you are probably going to goto some random local big box store the most you'll probably be able to find are the 150watt equivalent bulbs(23watt CFL if my memory serves me correctly), try to find those if you can, the more wattage the better...

You can get spring loaded clip reflectors cheap at walmart for like $6-8 i think...bought one to heat my chickens water in the winter outside a few years ago. If you can also get a small fan to keep some air moving around...if you close these all in you'll start to have some heat issues. What type of area are you going to be growing in?

Also...keep the CFL's as close to the plant as possible without touching it, usually about an inch. You will probably have to adjust them frequently, and don't expect to get much for yield out of this endevour...two CFL's, unless they are supersized ones, wont get you much...


Active Member
ok well if spring loaded clip reflectors are a few bucks i can get alot more lights my budget will be around $150 so i could get some decent light at lowes or something and get a few reflectors and i got a fan and the area i will be growing in is where my heater and stuff is but it is separate so dont worry about fires lol but it is a room like that it is a little over 5 feet in hight, and ive decided on what plant im gonna get they are from greenhouse seeds and they are super critical and im getting 3 of them so yea. and they a fem.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
you should get a security hps lamp fixture or something.
youre not going to yield dick with 2x 25watt CFLs.
waste of 2 months IMO. If you're going to grow, might as well do it right.
they have CFLs that are 100+ actual wattage, go with those. Just make sure you get one that fits in a standard socket.
try 1000bulbs.com


Well-Known Member
ok sweet and is there like reflector like some cheap light fixture for 20$ or something at any local hardware store that would be good, and i dont know anything about wiring so it would have to be i screw bulb in then plug fixture in wall :P
you can get a regular power strip...then go to depot - the have sockets you screw a bulb into then just plug into power strip....the also have "Y" splitters


Active Member
yea i was thinkin of getting the most powerful cfls there and get the y spiltters if its not to confusing, and i could make a video of my grow room soon to be i dont have camera so yea but then you guys can give me some options.


Active Member
ok so im probably gonna get a couple of theese 10.5" Brooder Clamp Light w
Porcelain Socket and then im gonna get best cfl lights i can get. u think that is good?