what makes a better bong toke ?


Well-Known Member
which is best really fine grind bud . or unground bud
also some people like to use hot water instead of cold water

what do you guys things makes a better bong toke


Well-Known Member
Kief with ice water and if your bong has an ice catcher load that up as well.I never did snow hits.


Well-Known Member
i prefer some good smoke and some ice in the water and chamber. ive heard of replacing the water with koolaid and orange juice but i never tried it


Active Member
An ice cold bong loaded with ice water, and ice. And If you have not tried hippiehits, you should try it sometime, hemp string soaked in bee's wax to light up your buds. Just google hippiehits.com - You will never smoke ur kind bud with butane again!


Well-Known Member
iv used beeline before . its so much better . rite now i pack my bong with ice when i hit it .
my buddy has a sick bong . ash ketcher that is diffyd . his female is diffused and has a tree perk . then ice picks ... its so so smooth

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, can't help there. first propper hit from my roor near ripped my spine through my back. i put it in a box and hanv't used it since :P


Well-Known Member
lets see i drop a bunch of ice in my bong. break up some weed real good roll up a joint smoke that while the ice melts. just after we finish the joint i pack that bowl up and hand it to my partner at the moment and tell them to spark it . bongsmilie