OK i found this post have a good read folks
couple of notes. HPA isn't really suited for herbs/leafy greens. The plants put on more biomass, but don't retain much water. So once harvested, they wilt very quickly unless quickly chilled. I like shallow raft systems for herbs and leafy greens. Some folks also find the texture of HPA grown herbs/leafy greens not appealing. They are very fleshy..
Plant support.. you're not going to be growing large plants with HPA. Problem many folks attempting HPA get into with cannabis is they try and grow the same size plant in HPA that they would in soil/hydro. That's just not going to work.
It will be small, single cola plants in a SOG style grow. I'd imagine over time plant genetics can be developed to work for this purpose. There's no point growing a large plant in HPA. Leverage the faster growth time by doing more cycles per year. In the end, it's all about grams/COG/watt. Growers need to get over the huge cola's, that's not where the commercial market will go. The commercial industry will move towards extraction when it scales after federal legalization, so cola size won't matter. Drying, trimming and curing is too labor intensive.
HPA is more expensive, vastly more expensive. But so is a Budwiser plant vs a copper moonshine still in the Kentucky mountains. Right now the legal cannabis industry is dominated by folks who want to make the most money they can, in the least amount of time. They're not thinking about CAPEX/ROI or future market S&P.. hell most growers don't even know what that is. They can get away with it now because market S&P isn't matured.
I've been involved in HPA research for 4 years now and have invested $1.2M in developing the tech. My Company is the one Madlabs is talking about. We've been collaborating with MIT and started a project with Tweed. We've learned a lot.
HPA is the future, it's going to drive the COG's so low that guys growing in a medium, under HPS's won't be able to compete. When the industry goes legal, the big money will roll in and they will want technology.. not scaled up basement grows. The day will come when a vape pen oil cartridge will be vastly cheaper than dried flowers.. consumers will change their habits due to cost.
Getting HPA to work with cannabis commercially is going to require R&D. It will work, but we've got to do real science to figure it out. We've started that R&D, so hang in there..