What method do you use to tie down or tuck away fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
I was wanting to post something here, but that my dick is bigger than yours discussion kinda took over, and it was hard for me to follow for a bit.

OK. so the flashlight thing, I got a second part to that experiment. I have a moister/pH/light tester, I got it from lowes or home depot something like that. in any part of the day, I can take the solar panel and put it under the leaves, in the shady part of the plants, and it will still test super high light. It doesn't test off the charts like it does when the solar panel is in direct sunlight, but it is still way up there, and definately not shady. you can do that in the middle of the day, using the sun as your flashlight. look at the bottom of the leaves, you can see that they are thin and slightly transparant. Some plants aren't like that, and their leaves are thick and waxy, and very shade producing (elephant ears, trees...)
I have seen people doing the same thing you did with tying leaves back, I was thinking myself about doing something like that, but I don't tie them like that, I just move them back so the branches get more light. If I have a big fat leaf and it is in the way, I cut it off, but usually if it is in the way of the branches (sometimes, the leaves are so much bigger than the branches, that the branch will hardly grow, because at that point there is not enough light gettting to the tiny little nub of a branch)

Indoors I generally cut off more lights, a lightbulb (ones that I have used, cfl and led, not sure about other higher quality bulbs or other type of lights) generally isn't as powerful as the sun, and the light won't penetrate as much as it does in the great outdoors, I have seen more pics of people tying stuff down and moving it around (lst, and leaf tying like you) on indoor stuff, because the light just is not as powerful as the sun. You got some good looking plants going, keep reading, its a full time job/hobby, and remember that in the end it is your decision on what you want to do with your plants after all.

and btw, lmao on your killing of fake plants I thought I was gonna hurt myself laughing so hard, try not to kill them, I'm pretty sure their upkeep is bare minimal, a little dusting here or there.

Have a good one and keep it green


I hardly see "because" as a reason not to tie down the leaves...why not offer an explanation as to why, In your opinion, that it is not wise to tie down leaves? Much better than tellingKrspies that it's "stupid"!
beacuse...: leaves are like small factory, they hold nuts and transform it (with the help of the sun) into substences that the plant needs.
empirical fact 1 - less leaves ---> slow grow and less yield.
empirical fact 2 - too much leaves off ---> plant stuned
empirical fact 3 - more sun to bud ----> bigger bud
now u need to expose as many buds to sun, while keeping most of the leaves.
indoor u have a limited amount of energy (in the form of light) and a problemtic dispersion. so u need to let go and cut some leaves. myslef i dont cut at all but bend so the light will reach the bud. only in the lower part where no light come i remove some leaves (and small buds)
outside, well outside its a whole different story. the sun gives u practically infinate amout of energy, and the light is being reflacted from alot of surface around the plant (everything around reflects some light, there is a lot of things, and the light itself is superstrong) so even the lower leaves get some light (unless something holds them in deep shdow). e.g. see the test of mikek420
to tie the leaf down is somewhere between removing it and leting it be.
outdoor there is not much of a point to tie leaves. let alone remove them. since you shape the plant for better yields, make sure the big leaves dont hide buds and band them accordingly
peace and love


Active Member
what are sugar leaves?
I've looked through all the pages and i believe Nobody has still helped you with this because they're too busy arguing lol,
Sugar leaves are the littler leaves surrounding the Buds that looked like there coated in sugar because of the trichomes :)


Well-Known Member
ahaha I missed that on sugar leaves, but I will leave you with this beautiful pic of a boy wild thai, you will see how easily the light shines through the leaves. INDOORs, it would possibly be a different story as the lights might not be as strong as the sun. Here you can clearly see how much light is passing through the leaves, as you can see 2-3 fan leaves on the right side, and for the most part the sun is still shining through all of it. This plant is bent because I tied it down, then he showed me his balls so I untied him and transplanted away from my ladies. I was looking for this pic earlier but I just now came back to civilization, so I can post it for you. I hope its a good visual for you
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