What Michael Moor Forgot to Tell You ...


New Member
I don't know what planet you came from but here are a couple of facts. My SS checks arrive in my bank account on the 21st of the month, every month without fail. My VA medical is there and and waiting for me any time night or day. In emergencies, I go straight to the hospital and VA pays the bills, if I have a minor problem, I can go straight to a clinic and be seen the same day in about 15 minutes without an appt., try that with your medical plan. So to all you disbelievers, the government can work in some situations, the two I have mentioned work like clockwork. By taking the profit out of medical, the only ones that would really be hurt are the greedy enterpreneurs and HMOs and Insurance companies:roll:
i don't what you proved with those facts, if anything. if the current situation works so well for you, good. the problem is it sucks for anyone who doesnt have a health program. you are SOL if you are poor and need a surgery aren't you.

i stepped on a nail, waited 4 hours in the waiting room, saw a nurse, not a doctor, was given 1 vicoden for pain and a tetinus shot. the hospital charged my insurance company $1,500 and me $125 out of pocket. that's not profit, that a racket. the current beaurocracy in the medical field is raping the insurance companies. so the cost for each of us monthly is getting out of control. and you think there's no problem that can't be fixed by handing over this multi-billion dollar industry to the government, right? because everyone in government is so honest and upright, i guess. :roll:


New Member
i don't what you proved with those facts, if anything. if the current situation works so well for you, good. the problem is it sucks for anyone who doesnt have a health program. you are SOL if you are poor and need a surgery aren't you.

i stepped on a nail, waited 4 hours in the waiting room, saw a nurse, not a doctor, was given 1 vicoden for pain and a tetinus shot. the hospital charged my insurance company $1,500 and me $125 out of pocket. that's not profit, that a racket. the current beaurocracy in the medical field is raping the insurance companies. so the cost for each of us monthly is getting out of control. and you think there's no problem that can't be fixed by handing over this multi-billion dollar industry to the government, right? because everyone in government is so honest and upright, i guess. :roll:
Again, without trying to insult your "intelligence", It is that "scam" that I'm talking about. With my health plan, I would just go to a clinic, get the tetnus shot, be given a 30 day supply of a painkiller, usually hydrocodone, and sent on my way with no charge. Now if the government can run a health care plan like that for 20 million vets, why couldn't it absorb the giant rip-off HMOs and insurance companies, take out the profit, use most of the same employees and commence with a free medical plan. Yeah, you'd have to pay more taxes, but no co-pays, no insurance payments, and no hidden surprises, like oh yeah, we don't cover your disease, so die motherfucker, die. If you can't see this, then the arguement is dead, especially after what you just told me. BTW, government employees have not to worry about things like retirement and medical as they are covered, this plan would afford the same coverage to you. The Insurance companies and HMO rip-offs will never let this past the congress. The elites that own the current medical system would go to the mats over this. All the rest of the stuff you hear against government medical is just hype thrown out there to scare the public, and retards like VI. So ,if you are retarded or scaired then I guess government run medical is not for you. I have found that some of the most prestigious surgeons work at the university hospitals where surgery is done and have no fear. If you like paying 125.00 a visit Plus premiums, Good luck. The costs will not go down.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what planet you came from but here are a couple of facts. My SS checks arrive in my bank account on the 21st of the month, every month without fail. My VA medical is there and and waiting for me any time night or day. In emergencies, I go straight to the hospital and VA pays the bills, if I have a minor problem, I can go straight to a clinic and be seen the same day in about 15 minutes without an appt., try that with your medical plan. So to all you disbelievers, the government can work in some situations, the two I have mentioned work like clockwork. By taking the profit out of medical, the only ones that would really be hurt are the greedy enterpreneurs and HMOs and Insurance companies:roll:
Ah so you are a crotchety, sour old man and veteran. I have a new found respect for you. Keep rocking on!


New Member
Can you recommend any specific titles?:peace:
Ayn Rand:

'the fountainhead' is one of the best books i've ever read.

'atlas shrugged' is very excellent, too.

long reads. intelligent characters and speeches. deeper, underlying social themes.


New Member
Again, without trying to insult your "intelligence", It is that "scam" that I'm talking about. With my health plan, I would just go to a clinic, get the tetnus shot, be given a 30 day supply of a painkiller, usually hydrocodone, and sent on my way with no charge. Now if the government can run a health care plan like that for 20 million vets, why couldn't it absorb the giant rip-off HMOs and insurance companies, take out the profit, use most of the same employees and commence with a free medical plan. Yeah, you'd have to pay more taxes, but no co-pays, no insurance payments, and no hidden surprises, like oh yeah, we don't cover your disease, so die motherfucker, die. If you can't see this, then the arguement is dead, especially after what you just told me. BTW, government employees have not to worry about things like retirement and medical as they are covered, this plan would afford the same coverage to you. The Insurance companies and HMO rip-offs will never let this past the congress. The elites that own the current medical system would go to the mats over this. All the rest of the stuff you hear against government medical is just hype thrown out there to scare the public, and retards like VI. So ,if you are retarded or scaired then I guess government run medical is not for you. I have found that some of the most prestigious surgeons work at the university hospitals where surgery is done and have no fear. If you like paying 125.00 a visit Plus premiums, Good luck. The costs will not go down.
i don't know. maybe it would work. but how much does that cost the government per year to afford that service to those who they owe a debt of gratitude? whatever it is, multiply it 15x to include the entire country.

when congress hands over 200 million for a fake war, i'm sure it could be done, but i would think SOME profit in the industry would be preferable to help lessen the strain on tax-payers.


New Member
i don't know. maybe it would work. but how much does that cost the government per year to afford that service to those who they owe a debt of gratitude? whatever it is, multiply it 15x to include the entire country.

when congress hands over 200 million for a fake war, i'm sure it could be done, but i would think SOME profit in the industry would be preferable to help lessen the strain on tax-payers.
You are forgetting: 1st all those that want to pay through the nose for medical should be allowed to keep their plans.
2nd. the taxes paid would probably be less than all the combined costs now involved in current Insurance medical scams, no more multi-million dollar salaries for worthless big fat asshole CEOs. (my opinion only)


Well-Known Member
well, if the cubans leaving their island paradise of state health care on rafts made of worn out tires and inflated garbage bags lashed together with old fishing line isn't proof enough that socialized medicine is a dumb idea - here's more:

Britons are pulling their own teeth with pliers because the socialist dentists are too hard to find:
Brits resort to pulling own teeth - CNN.com

canadian mothers and preemies are being flown the US because of multi-faceted shortages including doctors, nurses, technology and rooms:
More preemies flying to U.S. for care
Some Canadian mothers forced to give birth in U.S. | KOMO-TV - Seattle, Washington | News

go socialized medicine!!! i guess the next move for these countries is what, MORE government involvement to fix these problems too? lol, good luck with that!



New Member
well, if the cubans leaving their island paradise of state health care on rafts made of worn out tires and inflated garbage bags lashed together with old fishing line isn't proof enough that socialized medicine is a dumb idea - here's more:

Britons are pulling their own teeth with pliers because the socialist dentists are too hard to find:
Brits resort to pulling own teeth - CNN.com

canadian mothers and preemies are being flown the US because of multi-faceted shortages including doctors, nurses, technology and rooms:
More preemies flying to U.S. for care
Some Canadian mothers forced to give birth in U.S. | KOMO-TV - Seattle, Washington | News

go socialized medicine!!! i guess the next move for these countries is what, MORE government involvement to fix these problems too? lol, good luck with that!

So tell me 7X, how much do you pay yearly for your medical care, and is it really all that good? Mines fine, and I pay squat.


Well-Known Member
i don't know how much it comes to but yeah, it's really good insurance. it was about $50 out of pocket to have a baby. brand name scripts are $20. dr. visit is either $10 or $15... annual medical, eye and dental exams are free.

i'd guess it's somewhere between $200 and maybe $250/mo. for a family of four but i really won't for sure until/if i do taxes.



New Member
i don't know how much it comes to but yeah, it's really good insurance. it was about $50 out of pocket to have a baby. brand name scripts are $20. dr. visit is either $10 or $15... annual medical, eye and dental exams are free.

i'd guess it's somewhere between $200 and maybe $250/mo. for a family of four but i really won't for sure until/if i do taxes.

Now here's mine. 3.00 dr. visit, 7.00 scrip, no monthly, and I'll bet your employer pays a huge chunk to the ins. co., I get glasses one year and lenses the next. Now wouldn't it be nice if everyone had our medical plan, thats what I'm talking about.
I do agree Michael Moore is biased but I do think the US can attempt to do a little more to help with health care.

I don't think a social health care system is the right thing because I think one can see the terrible disadvantages of socialism but I think allocating money towards health care or maybe even giving more options and offer some kind of public health care can keep those who need it ok while not destroying the economy and quality of health care.

As a person with no health care who can't afford to pay for health insurance because of school tuition and college expenses I do not ask for anything free but just more options among seeming few.


Well-Known Member
I do agree Michael Moore is biased but I do think the US can attempt to do a little more to help with health care.

I don't think a social health care system is the right thing because I think one can see the terrible disadvantages of socialism but I think allocating money towards health care or maybe even giving more options and offer some kind of public health care can keep those who need it ok while not destroying the economy and quality of health care.

As a person with no health care who can't afford to pay for health insurance because of school tuition and college expenses I do not ask for anything free but just more options among seeming few.
They've been throwing money at medical care for the last 50 years.


and the price continues to climb.

When asked if they plan any real reforms, they stick out their hands behind their backs to the lawyers and shake their heads and accuse people of being right-wing extremists.

I mean, how dare we ask them when they plan on

Malpractice Reform
Limits on Punitive Damages (as opposed to Compensatory Damages)

and other logical reforms in medical care.

Then, when they achieve power their solution is...

more government intervention. Never mind that it is government intervention that has inflated costs in the first place.

Yes, it is nice to wish that everyone could get all the medical care that they need, but unfortunately medical care is a limited good and thus the only rational (and intelligent) way of determining who gets it and who doesn't is to let the free market control it.

The solution isn't more government intervention, but less.

Unwind the unconstitutional Medicare, Medicaid and Disability acts.


New Member
On which page of Obama's health care bill will I find tort reform?

On which page of Cap & Trade will I find nuclear energy addressed?

On which page of the Stimulus Package will I find tax cuts?


Well-Known Member
I am a vet too, I could get VA care, but the VA hospital is 5 hours away. I have my own health insurance, Every single visit I have made to the clinic has had 0 wait time, instantly got in to see a DOCTOR and got fixed up pronto. Total cost to me last time was $48, but the total bill was $600 which I thought was incredibly expensive for 5 minutes of work. I can sure hear you Med on the expense part, its downright criminal to have to spend that kind of money for something so simple. I pay about $180 a month for insurance, it has dental and vision also. I like it better than the Gubbermints free plan and thats why I pay.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
AYN RANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Just read Anthem, that book rocks.